Dusko Pijetlovic

My personal notes where I store things I find interesting or might need in the future.

Time Management with Graphviz

19 Oct 2022 » howto, diagram, graph, graphviz, plaintext, text, tex, latex, visualization, sysadmin, documentation

OS: FreeBSD 13, Shell: csh

$ cat timegraph.gv
    green = done
    orange = in progress
    red = not started

digraph timegraph

    Graphviz - FaqClusterEdge - How can I create edges between cluster
  boxes? http://www.graphviz.org/content/FaqClusterEdge
  compound = true; 

  graph [newrank = true]; 
  node [fontsize=10, shape = box];
  splines = "line"; // Force edges to be straight, no curves or angles

  subgraph clusterToday 
    label = "Today";
    style = "filled";
    color = "#91cf60";

    "Inspect HP server fans";

  subgraph clusterTomorrow
    label = "Tomorrow";

    //{ rank = same; "Email backupmap" ; }

  subgraph clusterWeek1
    label = "1st Week of Oct";

  subgraph clusterWeek2
    label = "2nd Week of Oct";

  subgraph clusterWeek3
    label = "3rd Week of Oct";

    CVM [label = "Clone groups2 VM"]; 
    SVM [label = "Stop KVM VM", color = "red"];
    EXVM [label = "Export KVM VM", color = "red"];

      Group these three nodes - to keep the edges straight.

      From Graphviz documentation:  Attributes - group:
        Name for a group of nodes, for bundling edges avoiding crossings.
        If the end points of an edge belong to the same group, i.e., have the 
        same group attribute, parameters are set to avoid crossings and keep 
        the edges straight.
    CVRT [group = gConvert, label = "Convert QCOW2 to VMDK image", color = "red"];
    CNO [group = gConvert, label = "Reqeust a new org in VMware Cloud Director", color = "orange"];
    IMPIMG [group = gConvert, label = "Import VMDK image in VMware Cloud Director", color = "red"];
    CVM -> SVM -> EXVM -> CVRT; 
    CVM -> CNO;
    CNO -> IMPIMG;


  subgraph clusterWeek4
    label = "4th Week of Oct";
    "Install SSL certs";
    "Email reviews to Jill";

  subgraph clusterWeek5
    label = "5th Week of Oct";
    "Install git";   

  subgraph clusterFuture
    label = "Future";

    "Clone NE1032T switch\n
     Install Nagios\n
     Configure an automation system\n
     Backup QCOW2 images for all VMs";

  label = "Updated on Oct 19, 2022";

Command to generate diagram:

$ dot -Tpng timemgraph.gv -o timemgraph.png 

Command to view the graph:

$ xv timegraph.png

Command to generate diagram with the make(1) tool.

First create the Makefile file.

Note: Each of the lines with target in the Makefile must be preceded by a tab (in this case, lines with dot, rm, and xv commands).

$ cat Makefile
timegraph.png timegraph.pdf: timegraph.gv
	dot -Tpng timegraph.gv -o timegraph.png
	dot -Tpdf timegraph.gv -o timegraph.pdf
	xv timegraph.png
	rm -i *png *pdf

Use the make(1):

$ make

When you want to delete generated PDF and PNG files:

$ make clean
% xv timegraph.png

Displaying a time management diagram png image created by Grapvhiz

Note: To see the image in full size in a web browser, right-click on it and select “Open Image in New Tab”.


Project Management as Code with Graphviz

HackerNews Discussion

Graphviz Source Code

A Technique for Drawing Directed Graphs

Manpages for: make(1), style.Makefile(5) (on FreeBSD)