Dusko Pijetlovic

My personal notes where I store things I find interesting or might need in the future.

How To Run diagrams.net (aka draw.io or drawio) Locally with Docker on FreeBSD 13 with vm-bhyve and Debian GNU/Linux

28 Aug 2022 » howto, diagram, java, graph, graphviz, plaintext, text, tex, latex, visualization, sysadmin, documentation

Host OS: FreeBSD 13, Shell: csh
Guest OS: Debian GNU/Linux, Shell: bash


In Debian GNU/Linux VM guest (running inside bhyve):

  • Docker installed
  • docker.service running
  • containerd.service running

You can follow instructions outlined here:

How to Run Kroki on FreeBSD 13 with vm-bhyve and Debian GNU/Linux VM

% sudo vm list
debianvm1  default    grub    1    2048M   -    No         Stopped 
% sudo vm start debianvm1
% sudo vm console debianvm1
---- snip ----

debianvm1 login: dusko
$ sudo \
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v \
/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v \
portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer
$ ss -an | grep 9000
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096   *
tcp   LISTEN 0      4096    [::]:9000                [::]:*
$ sudo \
docker \
run -it --rm --name="draw" \
-p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \

IP address of the guest VM (GNU/Linux Debian) is The network interface name assigned by the OS is enp0s5, and when you run the following inside the guest, you get its IP address:

$ ip address show dev enp0s5 | grep -w inet 
    inet brd scope global dynamic enp0s5

Use a Web browser on the FreeBSD host and open or


drawio (Source to app.diagrams.net, www.diagrams.net) (Retrieved on Aug 28, 2022):

draw.io, this project, is a configurable diagramming/whiteboarding visualization application. draw.io is owned and developed by JGraph Ltd, a UK based software company.

As well as running this project, we run a production-grade deployment of the diagramming interface at https://app.diagrams.net.

Scope of the Project

draw.io is a diagramming or whiteboarding application, depending on which theme is selected. It is not an SVG editing app, the SVG export is designed only for embedding in web pages, not for further editing in other tools.

The application is designed to be used largely as-is. It’s possible to alter the major parts of the interface, but if you’re looking for an editor with very specific editing features, the project is likely not a good base to use.

That is to say, if you wanted to create/deploy a whiteboard or diagramming application where the functionality in the main canvas is as this project provides, it more likely to be a good base to use. The default libraries, the menus, the toolbar, the default colours, the storage location, these can all be changed.


One way to run diagrams.net is to fork this project, publish the master branch to GitHub pages and the pages sites will have the full editor functionality (sans the integrations).

Another way is to use the recommended Docker project or to download draw.io Desktop.

The full packaged .war of the client and servlets is built when the project is tagged and available on the releases page.