Host OS: FreeBSD 13, Shell: csh
% cat
Command to create the graph (when splines = "line";):
dot -Tpng -o backupmap.png
Command to create the graph (when splines = "ortho"; in the dot file):
dot -Gsplines=none | neato -n -Gsplines=ortho -Tpng -o backupmap.png
To view the graph:
Install image viewer and cataloguer; for example:
xv backupmap.png &
feh backupmap.png &
From the graphiz documentation, section "Subgraphs and Clusters":
The third role for subgraphs directly involves how the graph will be laid
out by certain layout engines.
From the graphviz documentation:
If the name of the subgraph begins with "cluster", Graphviz notes the
subgraph as a special cluster subgraph.
Alternatively, you can use
within a cluster.
digraph backupMap {
Used to influence the 'spring' used in the layout.
Can be used to push nodes further apart, which is especially useful
for twopi and sfdp layouts
K = 0.6;
Graphviz - FaqClusterEdge - How can I create edges between cluster boxes?
compound = true;
splines = "line"; // Force edges to be straight, no curves or angles
//splines = "ortho";
rankdir = "LR"; // NOTE: rankdir can be used only once
//rankdir = "TB";
graph [newrank = true];
// To get the list of fonts: fc-list
node[fontname = "Hermit-Bold", width = 1.5, height = 0.45, fontsize=9];
nodesep = 0.14;
/* Subgraph Clusters
Graphviz cluster alignment
subgraph clusterMain
style = "dashed";
color = "#625a5a";
//peripheries = 0; // To remove border around the cluster
//label = "MAIN CLUSTER";
//graph[rankdir = "LR"];
node [shape = box, style = filled, color = black, fillcolor = "#91cf60"];
node [group = vert];
a[group = g1, label = "Servers"];
nfsServer [group = g1, label = "NFS Servers"];
b[group = g1, label = "Backup Destinations"];
// Added minlen in order to push the three "Backup Destination" clusters further away
// NOTE: This is the first minlen; there's another one further below
a -> nfsServer [minlen = 2.7, style = invis];
nfsServer -> b [style = invis];
subgraph clusterA
color = "#625a5a";
node [shape = box, style = filled, color = black, fillcolor = "#fee08b"];
peripheries = 0; // To remove border around the cluster
a15[label = "redwood"];
a14[label = "chestnut"];
a13[label = "neon"];
a12[label = "www"];
a11[label = "xenon"];
a10[label = "mail"];
a9[label = "mailx"];
a8[label = "groups"];
a7[label = "titanium"];
a6[label = "chemapps"];
a5[label = "wapps"];
a4[label = "www5"];
a3[label = "abacus"];
a2[label = "kvmhost3"];
a1[label = "ost"];
{rank = same a -> {a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15} [style = invis] };
{rank = same b -> {LenovoDS2200 dcds1821 zfs} [ style = invis ] };
subgraph clusterBackupToLenovoSANds2200
//label = "Backup Destination 1";
label = " ";
node [fillcolor = "#F5F5F5", style = filled, shape = "rectangle"];
Group these two nodes - to keep the edges straight.
From Graphviz documentation: Attributes - group:
Name for a group of nodes, for bundling edges avoiding crossings.
If the end points of an edge belong to the same group, i.e., have the
same group attribute, parameters are set to avoid crossings and keep
the edges straight.
kvmhost2 [group = gLenovoSAN, height = 0.10];
LenovoDS2200 [group = gLenovoSAN, penwidth=5.0, shape = "cylinder", label = "Lenovo DS2200\n\nSAN Array"];
kvmhost2 -> LenovoDS2200 [label = "iSCSI"];
{rank = same kvmhost2 -> legend [style = invis] };
subgraph clusterBackupToDcDs1821NAS
//label = "Backup Destination 2";
label = " ";
node [fillcolor = "#F5F5F5", style = filled, shape = "rectangle"];
dummy1821 [style = invis];
dcds1821 [penwidth = 5.0, shape = "cylinder", label = "dc-ds1821\n\nSynology NAS"];
// To force the subgraph to be similar size to the other two Backup Destinations subgraphs
dummy1821 -> dcds1821 [style = invis];
subgraph clusterBackupToKrypton
//label = "Backup Destination 3";
label = " ";
node [fillcolor="#F5F5F5", style=filled, shape="rectangle"];
krypton [group = gKrypton, height = 0.10];
zfs [group = gKrypton, penwidth = 5.0, shape = "cylinder", label = "napp-it Appliance\nZFS\nOpenIndiana"];
krypton -> zfs [label = "iSCSI"];
subgraph clusterLegend
dLC [ style = invis ];
peripheries = 0; // To remove border around the cluster
[shape=none, margin=0, label=
<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<tr><td colspan="2">Legend</td></tr>
<tr><td><font color="red">red</font></td><td><font color="red">Nightly rsync via NFS</font></td></tr>
<tr><td><font color="green">green</font></td><td><font color="green">tar via NFS</font></td></tr>
<tr><td><font color="blue">blue</font></td><td><font color="blue">Nightly rsync</font></td></tr>
<tr><td>W</td><td>/web or /www or /var/www dir</td></tr>
<tr><td>H</td><td>/home dir</td></tr>
<tr><td>G</td><td>/global dir</td></tr>
<tr><td>E</td><td>/etc, /opt, /root, /usr, /var directories</td></tr>
dLC -> legend [style = invis];
edge [fontsize=9.0];
a1:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="D, W", color="green"]; // ost
a2:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="E", color="red"]; // kvmhost3
a3:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="G, H, E", color="red"]; // abacus
a4:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="D, W", color="green"]; // www5
a5:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="D, W", color="red"]; // wapps
a6:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="D, W", color="red"]; // chemapps
// Added minlen in order to push the three "Backup Destination" clusters further away
// NOTE: This is the second minlen; the first one is around 200 lines above
a7:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="E, W, H", minlen = 2.7, color="green"]; // titanium
a8:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="H, D", color="red"]; // groups
a9:n -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="H", color="red"]; // mailx
a9:e -> zfs [taillabel="H", color="blue"]; // mailx
a9 -> dcds1821 [taillabel="H, E", color="blue"]; // mailx
a10:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="H", color="red"]; // mail
a11:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="H, D, W", color="green"]; // xenon
a12:e -> kvmhost2 [taillabel="D, W", color="green"]; // www
a13:e -> zfs [taillabel="D, W", color="green"]; // neon
a14:e -> dcds1821 [taillabel="E", color="blue"]; // chestnut
a15:e -> dcds1821 [taillabel="E", color="blue"]; // redwood
Graphiz FAQ
Q: How can I set a graph or cluster label without its propagating to all sub-clusters?
A: Set the label at the end of the graph (before the closing brace),
after all its contents have been defined. (We admit it seems desirable
to define some special syntax for non-inherited attribute settings.)
label = "Backup Map\nUpdated on: Sep 24, 2022";
% dot -Tpng -o backupmap.png
% xv backupmap.png
Note: To see the image in full size in a web browser, right-click on it and select “Open Image in New Tab”.