OS: FreeBSD 13
Shell: csh
Python version: 3.8.12
[TODO] Complete this page
In code excerpts and examples, the long lines are folded and then indented to make sure they fit the page.
Code for a mind map in PlantUML:
% cat zfsbootable.txt
title Create a Bootable FreeBSD ZFS Machine Clone\n
' Based on
' https://ideashortcut.com/tutorial-convert-you-notes-into-a-wbs-and-gantt-charts-with-plantuml/
' and
' https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/cloning-a-zfs-boot-disk-on-a-usb-drive.79687/
' and
' https://github.com/mattjhayes/PlantUML-Examples/blob/master/docs/Diagram-Types/diagram-types.md
scale 0.85
skinparam ArrowColor DarkGrey
mindmapDiagram {
node {
Padding 15
Margin 15
BackGroundColor YellowGreen
FontColor DarkSlateGrey
LineColor White
LineThickness 1.0
MaximumWidth 320
rootNode {
Padding 15
Margin 15
BackGroundColor YellowGreen
FontColor DarkSlateGrey
FontSize 18
LineColor White
LineThickness 1.0
leafNode {
Padding 15
Margin 15
BackGroundColor LightGray
FontColor DarkSlateGrey
FontSize 15
LineColor ForestGreen
LineThickness 2.0
' Styles to apply to tasks based on status:
' in progress (i)
.i {
BackgroundColor SkyBlue
' completed (c)
.c {
BackgroundColor LightSlateGray
FontStyle italic
FontColor DarkGray
' urgent (u)
.u {
BackgroundColor OrangeRed
FontStyle bold
' delegated (d)
.d {
BackgroundColor Gold
' Legend colours need to be updated manually :-(
|<back:LightGray><b>Not Started.</b></back>|
|<back:SkyBlue><b>In Progress.</b></back>|
|<back:LightSlateGrey><i>Completed .</i></back>|
|<back:OrangeRed><b>Urgent .</b></back>|
|<back:Gold><b>Delegated .</b></back>|
|<back:YellowGreen><b>Branch .</b></back>|
|<back:LightGray><b>[*] The same name as before not required but convenient, unless you have bootfs set in /boot/loader.conf.</b></back>|
|<back:LightGray><b>[**] If you are creating the same pool and the rest as subsets of that, you need to force the zfs receive in order to tell it to overwrite your existing pool.</b></back>|
|<back:LightGray><b>[***] On newer installs, this is zroot/ROOT/default or similar.</b></back>|
* Full\nsystem\nrestore\nto a\nfresh\ndrive
** Root on ZFS install
** Cloning
** gpart(8)
** dd(1)
** Bare metal backup/restore
** ZFS snapshots
*** zfs send
**** on trusted: nc(1)
**** on untrusted: ssh(1)
*** zfs receive
*** beadm/bectl
**** Boot pool name: zroot
**** Boot BE parent\ndataset name: ROOT
**** Boot datasets:\nROOT/tmp,\nROOT/var/tmp,\nROOT/default
**** **/usr** and **/var** filesystems have\n**canmount** property set to **off**
***** /usr and /var are placed \non the / dataset the\nzroot/ROOT/default BE
** Full\nsystem\nrestore\nto a\nfresh\ndrive
*** Capture the root pool properties\n zpool get all rpool <<c>>
*** GPT layout <<i>>
**** Manually create GPT
*** Boot loader <<u>>
**** Write the boot loader
*** Sufficient size on destinaiton
*** Boot off the\nFreeBSD Live CD/USB
**** Get networking up\nand running
**** Create the new zpool [*]
**** zfs receive the backup [**]
**** Use zpool(1) to set bootfs\nproperty properly [***]
**** Reboot
**** Use gptzfsboot(8)\nto install bootcode
**** Reboot
Send a POST request using HTTPie, HTTP Clients - Kroki documentation to generate the mind map image.
% http \
http://localhost:8000/ \
diagram_type='plantuml' \
output_format='png' \
diagram_source='@zfsbootable.txt' \
> zfsbootable.png
Alternatively, you can display the image in a web browser.
% cat \
zfsbootable.txt | \
python3.8 -c \
"import sys; import base64; import zlib; \
compress(sys.stdin.read().encode('utf-8'), 9)).decode('ascii'))"
---- snip ----
Copy and paste the output to your web browser:
---- snip ----
% cat bootable_os_zfs_activity_diagram.txt
' Based on https://waddles.org/2009/11/17/replicating-zfs-root-disks/
' and
' https://github.com/mattjhayes/PlantUML-Examples/blob/master/docs/Diagram-Types/diagram-types.md
skinparam shadowing false
title Create a Bootable FreeBSD ZFS Clone\n- Activity Diagram -\n
:Verify status;
:Create recursive ZFS root pool (rpool) snapshot;
:Insert and label new disks;
:Create partition tables;
:Create new zpool;
:Replicate pool's dataset;
:Replicate remaining datasets;
:Set mountpoints;
:Set bootfs property;
:Export the new pool;
:Install boot blocks to both disks;
:Target System
Transfer disks and boot failsafe;
:Import zpool as rpool;
:Export the zpool;
:Boot to single user mode;
:Unconfigure the system;
:Reconfigure the system;
: Cleanup;
% http \
http://localhost:8000/ \
diagram_type='plantuml' \
output_format='png' \
diagram_source='@bootable_os_zfs_activity_diagram.txt' \
> bootable_os_zfs_activity_diagram.png