Dusko Pijetlovic

My personal notes where I store things I find interesting or might need in the future.

HPC with TORQUE/PBS, xCAT, Gaussian and WebMO

13 Sep 2024 » hpc, server, hardware, sysadmin, automation, configmanagement, howto, vm, virtualization, qemu, kvm, cli, terminal, shell, linux, unix, networking

Updated: 2022-09-12

Initial post date: 2022-03-20

High Performance Computing (HPC) with TORQUE (Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue Manager), PBS (Portable Batch System) scheduling software, xCAT (Extreme Cloud Administration Toolkit), using Gaussian software package via WebMO.

[TODO] Add merging /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, and /etc/gshadow.

About xCAT

xCAT is a collection of mostly script based tools to build, configure, administer, and maintain computing clusters.

From xCAT.org:

xCAT is an open-source tool for automating deployment, scaling, and management of bare metal servers and virtual machines developed by IBM.

xCAT is an official IBM High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster management tool.


  • New server hardware, Lenovo ThinkSystem SR530 - 7X08 (1U rack server), has just been installed in the existing cluster environment.
  • The existing cluster consists of 28 CNs (compute nodes).
  • The cluster is on a private Ethernet network. The address space is non-routable (unroutable) so the compute nodes are “hidden” from a routable network, allowing you to separate your cluster logically from a public network.

About the cluster environment in this scenario:

  • All of the nodes use the same hardware and the same operating system.


On the new Lenovo server:

  • Create a guest VM to be used as the new MN (master node or management node)
    • On the guest VM (that is, the new MN):
      • Install the latest xCAT version
      • Show examples of managing IBM Blade Center
      • Show examples of related xCAT tables for the configuration
      • Remotely upgrade the OS on all CNs (computing nodes)


Computer cluster = a set of computers that work together so they can be viewed as a single system. Computer clusters have each node (computer used as a server) set to perform the same task.

MN = Master Node (abacus.mydomain.com) or Head Node (HN), aka Management Node or Controller Node - runs pbs_server daemon
HN = Head Node, see MN (Master Node)
SN (IN) = Submit Node (Interactive) - client commands, e.g. qsub and qhold
CN = Compute Node (Execution Host) - Compute nodes run pbs_mom daemon
xCAT = Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit
HPC = High Performance Computing
BMC = Baseboard Management Controller
IMM = Integrated Management Module - aka as only MM (Management Module)
AMM = Advanced Management Module
IPMI = Intelligent Platform Management Interface
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
BC = BladeCenter (IBM BladeCenter line of servers)
SoL (also SOL) = Serial over LAN
RM = Resource Manager (also called a Job Scheduler or a Batch System)
PBS = Portable Batch System (scheduling software)
MOM (also MoM) = Machine Oriented Miniserver
MPI = Message Passing Interface
WebMO Basic = A web-based interface to computational chemistry packages
WebMO Pro = An add-on to WebMO that provides additional calculations, visualization, and job management
WebMO Enterprise = Extends WebMO Pro with nhancements for large numbers of users or computer clusters
Fast Ethernet = 100 Mbps
Gigabit Ethernet (GbE or 1 GigE) = 1,000 Mbps (1 Gbps; that is Gigabit per second)

F1 Setup = IBM BladeCenter BIOS Setup (a.k.a. System/UEFI F1 Setup) - For example: BladeCenter HS21 Installation and User’s Guide, page 39 (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022): “Using the Configuration/Setup Utility program”:

When the Configuration/Setup utility message appears, press F1. […]

Operating systems and shells:

  • MN: RHEL 8.5 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (Ootpa)), Shell: tcsh
  • CNs: Upgrading from CentOS 5.2 to CentOS Linux 7.9, Shell: bash

In the following examples, IP addresses of network interfaces connected to the public network/Internet are from network subnet Replace those IP addresses with IP addresses of external interfaces in your environment. Similarly, replace with the broadcast address for external network interfaces in your environment.


Here is the hardware configuration in the environment:

  • 2 x IBM BladeCenter H Chassis
    • Each chassis has 14 x IBM HS21 Blade Servers (Blades) - total of 28 compute nodes
    • Each chassis has the IBM BladeCenter Advanced Management Module (AMM)
  • 1 x IBM x3550 xServer (xmgmt.mydomain.com, old MN, kept temporary)

  • Newly installed server hardware: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR530 - Type (Model) 7X08 - Product Home Page

Here is the network configuration in the environment:

  • eno1: Public-facing NIC. External network (aka public VLAN): 123.12.23.x
  • eno2: Cluster-facing NIC. Internal network (aka xCAT VLAN): 192.168.80.x
  • Management VLAN: 192.168.80.x (BC MM, BC AMM, BC LAN switches)


  • Create a QEMU VM Guest
  • Configure the Guest with Two NICs in Two Separate Networks Connected to Two Bridges on Host
  • Prepare the Management Node (MN)
  • Install and Configure xCAT (on the MN)
  • Stage 1: Add Your First Node and Control It with Out-Of-Band BMC Interface
  • Stage 2: Add Your Second Node and Configure It for SOL (Serial Over LAN) Operation (aka Text Mode Console)
  • Stage 3: Prepare Postscripts and Postbootscripts
  • Tests
    • Submit a Test Job to a Specific Node (Compute Node)
  • Setup NFS Server on the Head Node (HN) Running CentOS 8/RHEL 8
    • Configure Firewall Rules for NFS Server on CentOS 8/RHEL 8
    • Set Up NFS Client on Compute Nodes

Create a QEMU VM Guest

This VM will be the xCAT MN (management node).

  • Create QEMU VM guest on the new Lenovo server hardware
    (This VM will be the new MN)
    Note: I previously installed RHEL 8.5 on the new Lenovo server
  • Install the most recent CentOS Linux version on the QEMU VM guest
    (At the time of this writing: CentOS 7.9 Linux)
    • Download and use CentOS DVD ISO image with everything
      (file name: CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-2009.iso)
    • Install CentOS 7.9 Linux in text mode

In order to conserve the limited bandwidth available, ISO images are not downloadable from mirror.centos.org. To find a mirror closest to you in your region, visit the CentOS Project’s website, https://centos.org/. Navigate to Download > CentOS LInux > 7-2009 > x86_64. For my region, the first listed mirror wtth the ISO images available was:

Follow these instructions: Customize CentOS/RHEL DVD ISO for Installation in Text Mode via Serial Console and Test the Image with QEMU.

Changes that you need to make in isolinux.cfg and grub.cfg are shown below.

$ diff \
--unified=0 \
/mnt/dvd/isolinux/isolinux.cfg \
--- /mnt/dvd/isolinux/isolinux.cfg      2020-10-26 09:25:28.000000000 -0700
+++ /mnt/customdvd/isolinux/isolinux.cfg        2022-03-20 08:59:36.911058507 -0700
@@ -64 +64 @@
-  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 quiet
+  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 quiet console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200
@@ -70 +70 @@
-  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 rd.live.check quiet
+  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 rd.live.check quiet console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200
@@ -86 +86 @@
-  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 xdriver=vesa nomodeset quiet
+  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 xdriver=vesa nomodeset quiet console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200
@@ -96 +96 @@
-  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 rescue quiet
+  append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20x86_64 rescue quiet console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200
$ diff \
--unified=0 \
/mnt/dvd/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg \
--- /mnt/dvd/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg  2020-10-26 09:25:28.000000000 -0700
+++ /mnt/customdvd/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg    2022-03-20 09:05:58.348907158 -0700
@@ -16,0 +17,4 @@
+serial --unit=0 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
+terminal_input serial console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200
+terminal_output serial console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200

Continue following the instructions on the same page (Customize CentOS/RHEL DVD ISO for Installation in Text Mode via Serial Console and Test the Image with QEMU) up to the point of creating a raw image. Then, instead of creating an image with truncate of 272 GB in size (as in instructions on that page), create a raw image of 80 GB in size. Using seek option creates a sparse file, which saves space.

$ dd if=/dev/null of=xcatmn.img bs=1M seek=81920

Start CentOS 7.9 Linux installation with this command:

$ /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
-cdrom /tmp/CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-CUSTOM-2009.iso \
-drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img \
-global ide-hd.physical_block_size=4096 \
-m 4G \
-boot d \
-enable-kvm \
-serial pty \


QEMU 4.2.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) char device redirected to /dev/pts/2 (label serial0)

From QEMU monitor’s output above, note where qemu redirected char device. In this case: /dev/pts/2.

Open another shell instance, start minicom and connect to the first serial device where QEMU redirected char device (/dev/pts/2).

$ minicom --baudrate=19200 --ptty=/dev/pts/2

Install CentOS Linux 7.9.


 1) [x] Language settings                 2) [!] Time settings
        (English (United States))                (Timezone is not set.)
 3) [!] Installation source               4) [!] Software selection
        (Processing...)                          (Processing...)
 5) [!] Installation Destination          6) [x] Kdump
        (No disks selected)                      (Kdump is enabled)
 7) [ ] Network configuration             8) [!] Root password
        (Not connected)                          (Password is not set.)
 9) [!] User creation
        (No user will be created)
  Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
  'r' to refresh]: 
2) Time settings > Set timezone > America > Vancouver  <-- Use your timezone
2) Time settings > Configure NTP servers > 
     Add NTP server > ntp1.serverinyourregion.org
     Add NTP server > ntp2.serverinyourregion.org   
4) Software selection > 3) Infrastructure Server
5) Installation Destination > QEMU HARDDISK: 80 GiB (sda) > Use All Space > LVM
7) Network configuration > 
     Set host name > xcatmn.mydomain.com
     Configure device ens3 >
        IPv4 address or "dhcp" for DHCP > dhcp
     IPv6 address > ignore
     Nameservers >,  <-- Will list your nameservers
     Connect automatically after reboot
     Apply configuration in installer
8) Root password > 
     Password (confirm): 
9) User creation > 
     Create user > 
     Fullname >                                   <-- Enter your name 
     Username >                                   <-- Enter your username 
     Use password >
     Password >
       Password (confirm):
     [X] Administrator > Groups wheel

 1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Time settings
        (English (United States))                (America/Vancouver timezone)
 3) [x] Installation source               4) [x] Software selection
        (Local media)                            (Infrastructure Server)
 5) [x] Installation Destination          6) [x] Kdump
        (Automatic partitioning                  (Kdump is enabled)
        selected)                         8) [x] Root password
 7) [x] Network configuration                    (Password is set.)
        (Wired (ens3) connected)
 9) [x] User creation
        (Administrator dusko will be
  Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
  'r' to refresh]: b
Setting up the installation environment
Installing libgcc (1/483)
Installing grub2-common (2/483)
Installing centos-release (3/483)
Installing setup (4/483)
Installing filesystem (5/483)

   Installation complete.  Press return to quit

In the CentOS 7.9 Linux installer, to switch to an interactive shell prompt with root privileges, press Ctrl+b 2 (two characters: ctrl-b, and ‘2’).

[anaconda root@localhost ~]#

Power off the VM.

[anaconda root@localhost ~]# poweroff

** TIP: ** If you cannot exit minicom with CTRL-X, first press Esc and then CTRL-X.

To test and to confirm that the installed CentOS Linux really uses the first serial device ttyS0 (COM1) for a console, start the QEMU guest VM by specifying the -serial pty option.

$ /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
-drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img \
-m 4G \
-enable-kvm \
-serial pty \


QEMU 4.2.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) char device redirected to /dev/pts/2 (label serial0)

Open another shell instance, start minicom and connect to the first serial device where QEMU redirected char device, in this case, /dev/pts/2.

$ minicom --baudrate=19200 --ptty=/dev/pts/2

Can you see early boot messages/kernel log messages? If yes, that confirms that the installed CentOS Linux uses the first serial device ttyS0 (COM1) for a console.

Log in to the guest virtual machine.

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

xcatmn login: root

At this point (in addition to the virtual loopback adapter lo0 ² ³), the guest VM has one Ethernet adapter, a.k.a. NIC (network interface controller or network interface card). The name of that NIC that the OS (CentOS Linux) gave it to in this case is ens3.

# nmcli device status
ens3    ethernet  connected  ens3
lo      loopback  unmanaged  --
# nmcli connection show
NAME  UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
ens3  0bb2148d-...........................  ethernet  ens3

Here, the guest is connected to the host via SLiRP (user networking), where the assigned IP address starts from

# ip -4 address show | grep inet
inet scope host lo
inet brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic ens3

Show table routes (display the kernel routing tables):

# ip route
default via dev ens3 proto dhcp metric 100 dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 

Alternatively, you can display the routing tables with the legacy netstat(8) tool:

# netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
default         gateway         UG        0 0          0 ens3   U         0 0          0 ens3

Power off the guest VM.

# poweroff

Configure the QEMU Guest VM with Two NICs in Two Separate Networks Connected to Two Bridges on Host

Start the guest VM. This time don’t use the serial device for console; rather, use only the -nographic option.

The host is connected to a public network 123.12.23.x (the network contains a DHCP server). The guest VM is connected to that network via the first bridge br0 and obtains a dynamic IP address.

The host is also connected to another, private, cluster-facing network, 192.168.80.x. The guest VM is connected to that network via the second bridge br1.

$ /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
-drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img \
-m 4G \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br0",id=hn0 \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br1",id=hn1 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn1 \

Log into the guest OS.

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

xcatmn login: root
# nmcli device status
DEVICE  TYPE      STATE                                  CONNECTION         
eth0    ethernet  connected                              Wired connection 1 
eth1    ethernet  connecting (getting IP configuration)  Wired connection 2 
lo      loopback  unmanaged                              --                 
# nmcli connection show 
NAME                UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
Wired connection 2  7ef26cf9-...........................  ethernet  eth1   
Wired connection 1  a9f5c51d-...........................  ethernet  eth0   
ens3                687a79e8-...........................  ethernet  --     
# ip -4 address show | grep inet
inet scope host lo
inet brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic eth0
# ip route
default via dev eth0 proto dhcp metric 100 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
# netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
default         gateway         UG        0 0          0 eth0   U         0 0          0 eth0

The name given by the OS (CentOS Linux) to the network interface controller/network interface card (NIC) connected to the internal (private/cluster-facing/xCAT, 192.168.80.x) network is eth1.

Set the IP address of that NIC to static and assign it an IP address from within 192.168.80.x network.

# nmcli connection show 'Wired connection 2' | grep 'ipv4.method'
ipv4.method:                            auto
# nmcli \
connection modify 'Wired connection 2' \
ip4 \
ipv4.method manual

The name given by the OS (CentOS Linux) to the network interface controller/network interface card (NIC) connected to the public (external/internet-facing, 123.12.23.x) network is eth0.

Set the IP address of that NIC to static.

# nmcli connection show 'Wired connection 1' | grep 'ipv4.method'
ipv4.method:                            auto

In the next command, replace IP addresses in nmcli connection’s properties ip4, gw4 and ipv4.dns with IP addresses for those properties in your environment.

# nmcli \
connection modify 'Wired connection 1' \
ip4 gw4 \ 
ipv4.dns ',' \   <-- Use your DNS servers
ipv4.method manual
# nmcli \
connection modify 'Wired connection 1' \
connection.id eth0
# nmcli \
connection modify 'Wired connection 2' \
connection.id eth1

Restart NetworkManager service.

# systemctl restart NetworkManager.service 

If that doesn’t refresh routing, use nmcli(1) to restart networking. The networking off and networking on disables and then enables networking control by NetworkManager. All interfaces managed by NetworkManager are deactivated when networking is disabled.

# nmcli networking off
# nmcli networking on

Check network connectivity state. The check argument tells NetworkManager to re-check the connectivity.

# nmcli networking connectivity check
# ip route
default via dev eth0 proto static metric 100 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src metric 101
# nmcli device status
eth0    ethernet  connected  eth0       
eth1    ethernet  connected  eth1       
lo      loopback  unmanaged  --         
# nmcli connection show
NAME  UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
eth0  a9f5c51d-...........................  ethernet  eth0   
eth1  7ef26cf9-...........................  ethernet  eth1   
ens3  687a79e8-...........................  ethernet  --     

Test connection to a public host.

# ping -c2 freebsd.org
PING freebsd.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from wfe0.nyi.freebsd.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=76.1 ms
64 bytes from wfe0.nyi.freebsd.org ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=76.1 ms

Test internal network connection.

# ping -c2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.477 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.303 ms

Install dnf(8). (From its man page: DNF is the next upcoming major version of YUM, a package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions. It roughly maintains CLI compatibility with YUM and defines a strict API for extensions and plugins.)

# yum install dnf dnf-data dnf-plugins-core

In case of a bit older IBM blade servers, instead of AMM (Advanced Management Module), chassis for older IBM blade servers would have MM (Management Module). In that case you would need telnet to access the MM and you would need to install it:

# dnf install telnet

Prepare the Management Node (MN)

[TODO] After the real cluster setup is finished, change references to xmgmt (with IP address to the new(ly) installed server (with IP address

The cluster was partially upgraded in summer of 2021, and here’s the list of those upgrades:

  • The WebMO server hardware was replaced. It was an IBM blade server (HS20) in a separate IBM chassis.
    The new server hardware is Lenovo ThinkSystem SR530 - Type (Model) 7X08, with hostname abacus.mydomain.com, while the “internal” hostname (for PBS software, TORQUE Resource Manager) is mgmt, and the IP address on the cluster-facing network is
    • This server has multiple roles:
      • webserver (for running WebMO)
      • storage server, with a shared directory across the nodes (via NFS)
      • host for the majority of MN software (everything except DHCP server)
        • Note: will move DHCP server to the new Lenove server later
  • The OS on this server (“WebMO server”) was updated from RHEL 5.2 to RHEL 8.4.
  • The storage server a.k.a. NFS server (named xmgmtnfs.mydomain.com) was moved from a separate legacy IBM SAN array to the new Lenovo server (Lenovo ThinkSystem SR530 - 7X08). The new storage is a 6TB ZFS shared to CNs (compute nodes) via NFS. The old hostname xmgmtnfs.mydomain.com was retired.
  • All PBS managment software and the both PBS management services (pbs_server and pbs_sched) were moved to the new server.
    • The old xCAT (on the old MN, xmgmt.mydomain.com) was temporarily kept for managing BMC (two IBM chassis with 14 blades in each so 28 blades in total)
    • The old MN (hostname: xmgmt.mydomain.com, IP address on the cluster-facing network: is kept and temporarily used as a DHCP server.

Configure DNS Settings

Note: The hostname was set during the OS installation on the guest VM.

# hostname
# cat /etc/hostname 

Update your /etc/resolv.conf with DNS settings and make sure that the node can visit github and xcat official website.

Configure any domain search strings and nameservers in the /etc/resolv.conf file.

# cat /etc/resolv.conf 
# Generated by NetworkManager
search xcatmn.mydomain mydomain.com 
nameserver   <-- Will show your DNS server 1
nameserver   <-- Will show your DNS server 2

Verify that your /etc/hosts file contains entries for all of your management node interfaces. Manually add any that are missing.

Add xcatmn into /etc/hosts.

# printf %s\\n " xcatmn" >> /etc/hosts
# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 xcatmn xcatmn.mydomain.com

Power off the guest virtual machine.

# poweroff

Start and run the guest VM in the background by using QEMU’s -daemonize option.

$ /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
-drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img \
-m 4G \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br0",id=hn0 \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br1",id=hn1 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn1 \
$ ps aux | grep -v grep | grep qemu
dusko     681555 94.6  2.1 4809628 678648 ?      Sl   15:39   0:21 /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img -m 4G -netdev tap,helper=/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br0,id=hn0 -netdev tap,helper=/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br1,id=hn1 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn0 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn1 -daemonize

Disable SELinux

# sed -i.bkp 's/^SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config
# diff \
--unified=0 \
/etc/selinux/config.bkp \
--- /etc/selinux/config.bkp     2022-03-30 20:40:36.167508553 -0700
+++ /etc/selinux/config 2022-03-03 20:43:28.580246360 -0700
@@ -7 +7 @@

A reboot is the most convenient way to make the disabling of SELinux take effect so if you want, you can now reboot and log in again.

Install and Configure xCAT

Based on xCAT Quick Start Guide (retrieved on Mar 20, 2022) and then slightly modified.

Prerequisites and Assumptions

Assume there are two servers named xcatmn.mydomain.com and abacus101.mydomain.com. The xcatmn.mydomain.com is going to be the MN (management node) [you can proably call it an “xCAT server” as well]. The abacus101.mydomain.com will be a compute node you will be provisioning.

  • They are in the same subnet
  • abacus101.mydomain.com is a CN (compute node), which is one of 14 blades in an IBM chassis. The IBM chassis and the 14 included blades are managed by BMC, which the MN (xcatmn.mydomain.com) can access.
  • xcatmn.mydomain.com has RHEL 8 installed, and uses an IP address
  • xcatmn.mydomain.com has access to internet.
  • For the abacus101.mydomain.com compute node: BMC in the chassis that hosts this blade server, abacus101.mydomain.com (and other 13 blades running compute nodes on them), has an IP address

  • Prepare a full DVD for OS provision, and not a Live CD ISO.
    For this example, I use a customized CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-2009.iso DVD. (See steps above.)

MM2: empty

IBM BladeCenter Enclosure (Chassis)
Product Group: BladeCenter
Type: IBM BladeCenter E Type-8677
Part no.: 39R8561
FRU no.: 39R8563
MM slots: 2
Blade slots: 14
I/O Module slots: 4
Power Module slots: 4
Blower slots: 2

14 blades (14 blade servers)
14 x IBM 8853-AC1 HS21 Bladeserver
(Each blade is Machine Type: 8853, PID: 8853AC1)

[TODO] After successul setup/test, add the info for the other chassis.

All the following steps should be executed in xcatmn.mydomain.com.

# wget \
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xcat2/xcat-core/master/xCAT-server/share/xcat/tools/go-xcat \
-O - > \
# chmod +x /tmp/go-xcat
# /tmp/go-xcat install


If you are installing/updating xCAT-genesis-base separately, not as part
of installing/updating all of xCAT, run 'mknb <arch>' manually
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/xcatd.service
to /usr/lib/systemd/system/xcatd.service.

xCAT has been installed!

If this is the very first time xCAT has been installed, run one of the
following commands to set the environment variables.

For sh:
    source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh

For csh:
    source /etc/profile.d/xcat.csh

For choosing whether to run For sh or For csh command (script):
The guest VM’s shell is bash, which is intended to be compatible with the original UNIX Bourne Shell (/bin/sh).

# ps $$
 1532 pts/0    Ss     0:00 -bash

# printf %s\\n "$SHELL"

So run the command For sh:

# source /etc/profile.d/xcat.sh

Verify xCAT installation.

# lsxcatd -a 
Version 2.16.3 (git commit d6c76ae5f66566409c3416c0836660e655632194, 
  built Wed Nov 10 09:58:20 EST 2021)
This is a Management Node

Check xCAT service status.

# systemctl status xcatd.service

xCAT creates the site table and the networks table automatically.

# tabdump site

# tabdump networks

Configure the system password for the root user on the compute nodes. For example, if you wanted to set the password to abc!!123(??):

# chtab key=system passwd.username=root passwd.password='abc!!123(??)'
# tabdump passwd

Stage 1: Add Your First Node and Control It with Out-Of-Band BMC Interface

To get a list of data object types that are supported by xCAT:

# mkdef --help 
The following data object types are supported by xCAT:

auditlog boottarget eventlog firmware group kit kitcomponent kitrepo
monitoring network node notification osdistro osdistroupdate osimage
pdu policy rack route site taskstate zone zvmivp

To get a list of valid attribute names for each object type, use mkdef with the -h option together with the -t <object-types> option. For example, to get a list of valid attribute names for object type node:

# mkdef -h -t node
# mkdef -h -t node | grep ^ip
ip:    The IP address of the node. This is only used in makehosts.
The rest of xCAT uses system name resolution to resolve node names
to IP addresses.
# mkdef -h -t node | grep ^mac
mac:    The mac address or addresses for which xCAT will manage static
bindings for this node.    <-- a.k.a. MAC address of the node
# mkdef -h -t node | grep -w ^bmc
bmc:    The hostname of the BMC adapter.  <-- Or the BMC's IP address

To get the MAC address of the node with IP address

# ping -c2
# arp -a | grep ''
? ( at 00:11:22:33:44:55 [ether] on eth1

Note: If you don’t have network connection with this node, you can obtain its MAC address by logging in to the AMM/MM (BMC). From Prerequisites (assumptions) above, you already know that the BMC IP address is

Connecting to CLI on MM (AMM)

# telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.


The CLI command prompt is displayed:


[TODO] Is it now AMM (advanced management module) because the BMC was replaced on 2022-06-13?

You can now enter commands for the AMM (advanced management module)/MM (management module) [depending on whether your chassis uses AMM or MM].

Display information on the first blade in the blade chassis.

Note: Don’t type system>
It’s a BMC CLI prompt, and it’s shown here to indicate that you are using the AMM (or MM).

system> info -T system:blade[1]

** TIP: ** You can shorten -T system:blade[1] to -T blade[1]:

system> info -T blade[1]
MAC Address 1: 00:21:5E:2C:0E:D2
MAC Address 2: 00:21:5E:2C:0E:D4
MAC Address 3: Not Available
MAC Address 4: Not Available

Log off from the AMM CLI (or MM CLI).

system> exit

Back in the guest VM:
(Note: This is optional; just to show where you can get information about node attributes.)

List information about bmcusername and bmcpassword attributes for object type node.

# mkdef -h -t node | grep ^bmcusername
bmcusername:    The BMC userid.  If not specified, the key=ipmi row
in the passwd table is used as the default.
# mkdef -h -t node | grep ^bmcpassword
bmcpassword:    The BMC password.  If not specified, the key=ipmi row
in the passwd table is used as the default.

You can use the --template option of the lsdef(1) command to display the object definition templates shipped in xCAT.

To list all the object definition templates:

# lsdef --template 

Continuing with the setup:
Create an xCAT data object definition for this node (name it abacus101).
Explanation: ip = IP address of the node; mac = MAC address of the node; bmc = IP address of the MM (BMC); bmcusername = username of BMC (MM) account; bmcpassword = password for BMC (MM) user.

# mkdef \
-t node abacus101 \
--template x86_64-template \
ip= \
mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 \
bmc= \
bmcusername=YOUR_BMC_USERID \

The domain of the xCAT node must be provided in an xCAT network definition or the xCAT site definition. Otherwise, two commands in the subsequent steps for configuring DNS (makehosts abacus101 and makedns -n) will not work.

Currently, the domain is not defined in site table:

# tabdump site | grep domain

Add the domain key and value (in this example mydomain.com) to the site table.

# chtab key=domain site.value=mydomain.com

Alternatively, instead of the chtab(8) command, you could use the chdef(1) command to add the domain key (and value) to the site table:

# chdef -t site domain=mydomain.com

Update the /etc/hosts file with the makehosts(8) command to only replace the lines in the file that correspond to the node abacus101:

# makehosts abacus101

The node’s IP address and hostname are added to /etc/hosts:

# tail -1 /etc/hosts abacus101 abacus101.mydomain.com

Complete DNS setup by updating DNS records with the makedns(8) command. (This also restarts named service.)

# makedns -n
# lsdef abacus101
Object name: abacus101
    usercomment=the system X node definition

To get the list of data object types supported by xCAT:

# mkdef --help


The following data object types are supported by xCAT:
  auditlog boottarget eventlog firmware group kit kitcomponent kitrepo 
  monitoring network node notification osdistro osdistroupdate osimage 
  pdu policy rack route site taskstate zone zvmivp

To get a list of valid attribute names for each object type, use the mkdef(1) command with the -h option together with the -t <object-types> option.

For example, to get a list of valid attribute names for object type node:

# mkdef -h -t node

Fix for Blade - aka Touchup for Blade

# mkdef -h -t node | grep -w ^mgt 
mgt:    The method to use to do general hardware management of the node.
This attribute is used as the default if power or getmac is not set.  
Valid values: openbmc, ipmi, blade, hmc, ivm, fsp, bpa, kvm, esx, rhevm.  
See the power attribute for more details.
# mkdef -h -t node | grep -w ^cons
cons:    The console method. If nodehm.serialport is set, this will default
to the nodehm.mgt setting, otherwise it defaults to unused.
Valid values: cyclades, mrv, or the values valid for the mgt attribute.

# mkdef -h -t node | grep -w ^serialport
serialport:    The serial port for this node, in the linux numbering style 
(0=COM1/ttyS0, 1=COM2/ttyS1).  For SOL on IBM blades, this is typically 1.
For rackmount IBM servers, this is typically 0.

# mkdef -h -t node | grep -w ^serialspeed
serialspeed:    The speed of the serial port for this node.  
For SOL this is typically 19200.

# mkdef -h -t node | grep -w ^power
power:    The method to use to control the power of the node. If not set,
the mgt attribute will be used.  Valid values: ipmi, blade, hmc, ivm, fsp,
kvm, esx, rhevm.  If "ipmi", xCAT will search for this node in the ipmi
table for more info.  If "blade", xCAT will search for this node in the
mp table.  If "hmc", "ivm", or "fsp", xCAT will search for this node in
the ppc table.

As this is a blade server, you need to change the following attributes for the node object abacus101:
mgmt, getmac and cons.

In addition, this particular blade model, IBM HS21, does not support IPMI:

Per [Ipmitool-devel] IBM gear (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

Unfortunately, the IBM Bladecenter does not expose IPMI over LAN. This comes from effort to maintain backwards compatibility with the days before IPMI existed and trying to make the POWER and x86 systems all act the same when in a chassis. Implementing remote management for CLI/scripting use can be done either by:

  • Scripting the CLI (not bad if you set up ssh keys). […]
  • Using SNMP.
  • Using some higher level software that knows how to speak IPMI and IBM Blade (requires extra setup). For example with xCAT:

Power state of a KVM guest:

# rpower vmgt state
vmgt: on

Power state of a blade:

# rpower h01 state
h01: on

Also see:
Re: [Ipmitool-devel] ‘ipmitool sol info’ yields ‘Invalid command’ (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

While the blades do communicate with the management module in a blade chassis using IPMI, they don’t support doing SOL the way other platforms do. Instead, to access the serial console you need to telnet to the management module (MM or AMM), log in and then issue this command:


Re: [xcat-user] HS21 blade BMC (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

The BMC IP address on all shipped IBM Blades to date is not useful for what you’d expect. The IPMI aspect of the service processor terminates within the chassis and the AMM will aggressively change the IP configuration of the BMCs via the dedicated management bus. For IBM BladeCenter, IPMI is only accessible via in-band methods. All out-of-band management is done either via SMASH CLP, SNMP (xCAT uses SNMP to implement IBM blade support), a BladeCenter CLI via telnet or SSH, a web interface, or IBM proprietary protocols that IBM Director uses.


IBM BladeCenter H and IPMI (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

Instructions in this section do not apply to IBM BladeCenters. IBM BladeCenter do not have IPMI remote access to the BMC on a Blade (the BMC IP address is not available outside of the BladeCenter).

Continuing with the setup:
Instead of IPMI, for remote control of this type of blade I use the serial port so these two attributes need to be changed as well: serialport and serialspeed.

# lsdef -t node -o abacus101 -i cons,mgt,getmac,serialport,serialspeed
Object name: abacus101

Change xCAT data object definition for this node with the specified values for attributes cons, getmac, mgt, serialport and serialspeed:

# chdef \
-t node \
-o abacus101 \
cons=blade mgt=blade getmac=blade serialport=1 serialspeed=19200
# lsdef -t node -o abacus101 -i cons,mgt,getmac,serialport,serialspeed
Object name: abacus101
# lsdef abacus101
Object name: abacus101
    usercomment=the system X node definition

Check abacus101 hardware control.
abacus101 power management:

# rpower abacus101 state
no mpa defined for node abacus101

The mpa Table

This table is where you put the information for a BladeCenter management module (MM).

# man mpa
       mpa - a table in the xCAT database.

       mpa Attributes:  mpa, username, password, displayname, slots, urlpath,
       comments, disable

       Contains info about each Management Module and how to access it.
# man mp
       mp - a table in the xCAT database.

       mp Attributes:  node, mpa, id, nodetype, comments, disable

       Contains the hardware control info specific to blades.  This table also
       refers to the mpa table, which contains info about each Management

Add username and password for MM (BMC) to the mpa table.
(This is the MM from bmcusername and bmcpassword in the above lsdef abacus101 [...] command. The mpa attribute in the command below is that MM’s hostname, which in this case is: xbcmm1n.)

# chtab \
mpa=xbcmm1n \
mpa.username=YOUR_BMC_USERID \
# tabdump mpa 

Add the BMC (MM) node to the mp table. As the mp table refers to the mpa table, add the attribute mpa to the table mp.

# chtab \
node=xbcmm1n \
mp.mpa=xbcmm1n \

Similarly, add attributes of the newly added node (abacus101) to the mp table: add the node’s name (node=abacus101) and id (it’s best to make this number the same as the node name so in this case it’s 1).

# chtab \
node=abacus101 \
mp.mpa=xbcmm1n \
# tabdump mp

The mpa attribute is now defined for node abacus101:

# lsdef abacus101 | grep mpa

Alternatively, you can display only attributes you are interested in by using the -i comma-separated-attr-list option:

# lsdef abacus101 -i mpa
Object name: abacus101
# lsdef abacus101
Object name: abacus101
    usercomment=the system X node definition
# tabdump passwd

Add username and password for MM (BMC) to the passwd table.

# chtab \
key=blade \
passwd.username=YOUR_BMC_USERID \
# tabdump passwd

Verify that your /etc/hosts file contains entries for all of your management node interfaces. Manually add any that are missing.

Add MM (BMC) hostname (xbcmm1n) and its IP address to /etc/hosts file.

# printf %s\\n " xbcmm1n" >> /etc/hosts

Check abacus101 hardware control.
abacus101 power management:

If there’s an “Unsupported security level” error like the one shown below, you need to add the MM (BMC) to xCAT database and to register it.

# rpower abacus101 state
abacus101: [xcatmn]: Error: Unsupported security level

To fix it, first check whether you can communicate with the MM (BMC):

# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpdest
Error: Invalid nodes and/or groups in noderange: xbcmm1n

This particular MM (BMC) has not been added to xCAT database. For now, xCAT has only one node:

# nodels
# lsdef xbcmm1n
Error: [xcatmn]: Could not find an object named 'xbcmm1n' of type 'node'.
No object definitions have been found

Discover all networked services information within the cluster subnet (connected via the eth1 network adapter with IP address and write output to xCAT database:

# ip -4 address show eth1 | grep inet
    inet brd scope global noprefixroute eth1
# lsslp -i -w
# nodels
# lsdef xbcmm1n
Object name: xbcmm1n

If a request for snmpdest from the MM (BMC) is empty as shown here:

# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpdest
xbcmm1n: SP SNMP Destination 1: 

enable snmpcfg and sshcfg:

# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpcfg=enable sshcfg=enable
xbcmm1n: SNMP enable: OK
xbcmm1n: SSH enable: OK

After that, request for snmpdest gets answered:

# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpdest
xbcmm1n: SP SNMP Destination 1:
# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpcfg
xbcmm1n: SNMP: enabled
# rspconfig xbcmm1n sshcfg 
xbcmm1n: SSH: enabled

While you are here, rename the MM (BMC) Server–SNYK123456E1AB (BMC on the other chassis) node to xbcmm2:

# chdef \
-t node \
-o Server--SNYK123456E1AB \
-n xbcmm2

Add username and password for MM (BMC) to the mpa table.

# chtab \
mpa=xbcmm2 \
mpa.username=YOUR_BMC_USERNAME \

For the same MM (BMC) node xbcmm2, change the mpa attribute in the mp table (set it to be the same as the node name, that is xbcmm2).

# chtab
node=xbcmm2 \

Verify that your /etc/hosts file contains entries for all of your management node interfaces. Manually add any that are missing.

# printf %s\\n " xbcmm2" >> /etc/hosts

Back to continuing the node abacus101 provisioning:

Hardware control check for power management for node abacus101 works now:

# rpower abacus101 state
abacus101: on

abacus101 firmware information:

# rinv abacus101 all
abacus101: Machine Type/Model: 8853AC1
abacus101: Serial Number: KQCCXBT
abacus101: MAC Address 1: 00:21:5E:2C:0E:D2
abacus101: MAC Address 2: 00:21:5E:2C:0E:D4
abacus101: Management Module firmware: 36 (BPET36M 07-02-08)

Provision a Node and Manage It with Parallel Shell

Configure DHCP

In order to PXE boot, you need a DHCP server to hand out IP addresses and direct the booting system to the TFTP server where it can download the network boot files.

Which networks dhcpd (dhcp daemon) should listen on can be controlled by the dhcpinterfaces attribute in the site(5) table. Add this attribute and set it to listen to only the internal/private/cluster-facing network, which is connected to the eth1 NIC.

# tabdump site | grep dhcp

Add the dhcpinterfaces attribute to the site table.

# chtab key=dhcpinterfaces site.value=eth1
# tabdump site | grep dhcp

A new dhcp configuration file is created by the makedhcp(8) command. It requires that the networks(5) table is filled out properly. Check the networks(5) table:

# tabdump networks

While you are here, change the name of the cluster’s network:

# chtab \
net= \

Note that before running the next command (makedhcp -n), the dhcpd (dhcp daemon) service is not running:

# systemctl is-active dhcpd.service

Create a new dhcp configuration file with a network statement for each network the dhcp daemon should listen on.
The makedhcp(8) command will automatically restart the dhcpd (dhcp daemon) after this operation.
The -n option of the makedhcp(8) command replaces any existing configuration file, making a backup of it first.

# makedhcp -n


Renamed existing dhcp configuration file to  /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.xcatbak

Warning: [xcatmn]: No dynamic range specified for 
If hardware discovery is being used, a dynamic range is required.

As I’m not using hardware discovery, I don’t need to specify the dynamicrange attribute in the networks table so I don’t have to address the warning above.

# ls -lhrt /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  117 Oct  1  2020 /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.xcatbak
-rw------- 1 root root 5.4K Mar 20 19:50 /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
# grep range /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
# grep -n subnet /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
35:  subnet netmask {
78:  } # subnet_end
# systemctl is-active dhcpd.service

Continuing with the setup, next two makedhcp(8) requirements have already beeen met; see above.

  • Get the node IP addresses and MACs defined in the xCAT database.
    • Already done:
# lsdef abacus101 | grep -w ip
# tabdump mac
  • Get the hostnames and IP addresses pushed to /etc/hosts and do DNS.
    • Already done with: makehosts(8) and with makedns(8).

Run makedhcp(8) with a noderange option. This injects configuration data pertinent to the specified nodes into dhcpd. The configuration information takes effect immediately without a restart of DHCP.

So far, I’ve configured one compute node:

# nodels
[...]       <-- The rest of the nodes are MM nodes (not CNs)

For now, add only one node to the DHCP server configuration. The dhcpd (dhcp daemon) does not have to be restarted after this.

# makedhcp abacus101

Query the node entries from the DHCP server configuration to confirm that only one node is configured for now:

# makedhcp -q abacus101
abacus101: ip-address =, hardware-address = 00:11:22:33:44:55 

# makedhcp -q all 
abacus101: ip-address =, hardware-address = 00:11:22:33:44:55 

Copy the customized CentOS Linux 7.9 DVD ISO to the xCAT server:

# scp dusko@ .

Copy the CentOS 7.9 Linux DVD ISO to the xCAT /install directory.

# copycds CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-CUSTOM-2009.iso

After copycds(8), the corresponding basic osimage will be generated automatically. Then you can list the new osimage name here. You can refer to xCAT documentation on how to customize the package list or postscript for target compute nodes. For now just use the default one:

# lsdef -t osimage


centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute  (osimage)
centos7.9-x86_64-netboot-compute  (osimage)
centos7.9-x86_64-statelite-compute  (osimage)

Use xcatprobe to precheck whether the xCAT MN (management node) is ready for OS provision (-i option: install NIC, specifying the network interface name of provision network on MN (management node). -w option: show each line completely; by default long lines are truncated):

# xcatprobe -w xcatmn -i eth1
[mn]: Checking all xCAT daemons are running...                          [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking xcatd can receive command request...                     [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking 'site' table is configured...                            [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking provision network is configured...                       [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking 'passwd' table is configured...                          [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking important directories(installdir,tftpdir) are configured [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking SELinux is disabled...                                   [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking HTTP service is configured...                            [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking TFTP service is configured...                            [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking DNS service is configured...                             [WARN]
[mn]: DNS nameserver can not be reached
[mn]: Checking DHCP service is configured...                            [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking NTP service is configured...                             [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking rsyslog service is configured...                         [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking firewall is disabled...                                  [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking minimum disk space for xCAT ['/var' needs 1GB;'/install'
        needs 10GB;'/tmp' needs 1GB]...                                 [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking Linux ulimits configuration...                           [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking network kernel parameter configuration...                [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking xCAT daemon attributes configuration...                  [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking xCAT log is stored in /var/log/xcat/cluster.log...       [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking xCAT management node IP: <> is configured
        to static...                                                    [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking dhcpd.leases file is less than 100M...                   [ OK ]
[mn]: Checking DB packages installation...                              [ OK ]
=================================== SUMMARY ==================================
[MN]: Checking on MN...                                                 [ OK ]
    Checking DNS service is configured...                               [WARN]
        DNS nameserver can not be reached

NOTE: Don’t worry about DNS warning. That warning is expected because the DNS nameserver for the cluster is within private network

Note: To get usage information of xcatprobe: xcatprobe -h.
To list all valid sub commands for xcatprobe, run: xcatprobe -l.

Perform the Diskful OS Deployment (Scripted Install, Clone)

a.k.a Build Nodes

Begin OS provision on the node abacus101 with the specified osimage. Earlier, from the output of lsdef -t osimage, one of the images was centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute.

# lsdef -t osimage centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute

Note: Before starting rinstall(8), make sure that the node’s boot order is configured so that the first boot device is network (or PXE network). As the HS21 blade server is BIOS-based (not UEFI-based), check the BIOS settings, and if needed, adjust the settings as needed.

Alternatively, you can use xCAT’s rbootseq(1), which permanently sets the order of boot devices for BMC-based servers, or rsetboot(1) command, which sets the boot device to be used for BMC-based servers for the next boot only.

However, note that on IBM BladeCenter (which is the case here), you only have rbootseq and not rsetboot:

Re: [xcat-user] Problem with rsetboot: unable to identify plugin (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

On BladeCenter, you have rbootseq. I know, a bit peculiar, but the AMM supports boot sequence control rather than next one time boot device [which is controlled by rsetboot].

# rbootseq abacus101 list
abacus101: net,cdrom,hd0,none

If it’s not configured to boot from the Ethernet (net) device, you can change it with the rbootseq(1) command: rbootseq abacus101 net,hd0,none,none

# rpower abacus101 bmcstate
abacus101: on
# chtab \
node=abacus101 \

The MM (Management Module), a.k.a. BMC (Baseboard Management Controller), hosting this compute node (abacus101) is named xbcmm1n. Its vitals and network settings are:

# rvitals xbcmm1n all 
# rspconfig xbcmm1n network
xbcmm1n: MM IP:
xbcmm1n: MM Hostname: xbcmm1n
xbcmm1n: Gateway:
xbcmm1n: Subnet Mask:

If needed, change the forwarders attribute in the site table.

From the manual page for site(5) table:

The DNS servers at your site that can provide names outside of the cluster. The makedns command will configure the DNS on the management node to forward requests it does not know to these servers. Note that the DNS servers on the service nodes will ignore this value and always be configured to forward to the management node.

A comma delimited list of DNS servers that each node in the cluster should use. This value will end up in the nameserver settings of the /etc/resolv.conf on each node. It is common (but not required) to set this attribute value to the IP address of the xCAT management node, if you have set up the DNS on the management node by running makedns. In a hierarchical cluster, you can also set this attribute to “<xcatmaster>” to mean the DNS server for each node should be the node that is managing it (either its service node or the management node).

Also, from the man page for networks(5):

gateway The network gateway. It can be set to an ip address or the keyword <xcatmaster>. The keyword <xcatmaster> indicates the cluster-facing ip address configured on this management node or service node. Leaving this field blank means that there is no gateway for this network.

# tabdump site | grep forwarders 
"forwarders",",",,  <- Should list your DNS servers

If it hasn’t been correctly set up, you can update the forwarders attribute now with the following command.

# chtab key=forwarders site.value=,
# tabdump site | grep forwarders
# tabdump site | grep nameservers

If it hasn’t been correctly set up, you can now update the nameservers attribute with the following command.

# chtab key=nameservers site.value=
# tabdump site | grep nameservers

[TODO] Does the trio makedhcp -n, makehosts, makedns -n need to be run here?

# makedhcp -n
# makehosts 
# makedns -n
# makegocons -D abacus101
Starting goconserver service ...
abacus101: Created

After the node is registered for an instance of the console (serial console) session with the command makegocons -D abacus101 above, the consoleenabled attribute has been added and set to 1 for the node (in this case, node named abacus101):

# lsdef abacus101 | grep cons
# systemctl is-active goconserver.service 
# systemctl status goconserver.service 
  goconserver.service - goconserver console daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/goconserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-03-20 15:42:08 PDT; 1min ago
     Docs: https://github.com/xcat2/goconserver
 Main PID: 12517 (goconserver)
   CGroup: /system.slice/goconserver.service
           |-12517 /usr/bin/goconserver
           +-1253 ssh -t YOUR_BMC_USERNAME@xbcmm1n console -o -T blade[1]

Mar 20 15:42:08 xcatmn.mydomain.com systemd[1]: Started goconserver console daemon.
# makegocons -q abacus101
NODE                             SERVER                           STATE
abacus101                        xcatmn.mydomain.com              connected

Connect to the newly provisioned node (compute node):

NOTE: For the rcons to work, the node’s BIOS must be configured for SOL (Serial Over LAN), a.k.a. Text Mode Console. 10

# rcons abacus101
[Enter `^Ec?' for help]
goconserver(2022-03-20T20:44:12-07:00): Hello,
  welcome to the session of abacus101

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus101 login: root
[root@abacus101 ~]# 

Log off from the compute node.

# exit

The OS login banner appears.

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus101 login: 

To exit the console session, enter: Ctrl-e c . (3 characters: Ctrl-e, ‘c’ and ‘.’)


Display the OS and network interface status (On or Off status) for compute nodes which are managed by the current xCAT MN (Management Node):

# xcatstat
# Hostname:Status:Network-Interfaces:
abacus101:1:enp4s0-1:enp6s0-2 :
xbcmm1n:1:127 :
xbcmm2:1:127 :

Start the diskful OS deployment:

# rinstall abacus101 osimage=centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute

Note: The rinstall command works even though it raises this error:

# rinstall abacus101 osimage=centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
Provision node(s): abacus101
Error: [xcatmn]: rinstall plugin bug, pid 18475, process description:
  'xcatd SSL: rinstall to abacus101 for root@localhost: rinstall instance'
  with error 'Died at /opt/xcat/sbin/xcatd line 2104.'
  while trying to fulfill request for the following nodes: abacus101

This error is raised because this node is a blade node, while rinstall command is supposed to support only IPMI based node:

Re: [xcat-user] Problem with rsetboot: unable to identify plugin
(Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

Your node is a blade node. rinstall command only supports ipmi based node.

You can monitor installation process:

# rcons abacus101

After 5-10 minutes verify that provision status is booted:

# lsdef abacus101 -i status
Object name: abacus101

Use xdsh(1) to check the node abacus101 OS version and whether OS provision was successful:

# xdsh abacus101 more /etc/*release
abacus101: ::::::::::::::
abacus101: /etc/centos-release
abacus101: ::::::::::::::
abacus101: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
abacus101: ::::::::::::::
abacus101: /etc/os-release
abacus101: ::::::::::::::
abacus101: NAME="CentOS Linux"
abacus101: VERSION="7 (Core)"

Note: If you get a ‘Permission denied’ error:

# xdsh abacus101 'cat /etc/redhat-release'
[xcatmn]: abacus101: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,

you can fix it by updating the security keys for this compute node:

# updatenode abacus101 -k
The ssh keys will be updated for 'root' on the node(s).
abacus101: Setup ssh keys has completed.
abacus101: =============updatenode starting====================
abacus101: /tmp/FlNrhJh5uy.dsh: line 62: /var/log/xcat/xcat.log: No such file or directory
abacus101: trying to download postscripts...
abacus101: /tmp/FlNrhJh5uy.dsh: line 62: /var/log/xcat/xcat.log: No such file or directory


** TIP: ** If there are monitor probing errors in the console, showing approximately every ten seconds similar to

drm:radeon_vga_detect [radeon]] *ERROR* VGA-1: probed a monitor
  but no|invalid EDID

you can remove them by adding nomodeset kernel boot line option as explained in Footnotes at the bottom of this page 11.

See also:

Manual “nomodeset” Kernel Boot Line Option for Linux Booting

Radeon DVI errors filling logs

Back to continuing with the setup:

Test ssh passwordless login to the node abacus101.

# ssh root@abacus101
Last login: Sun Mar 20 16:37:45 2022

# hostname

Log off from the node (compute node).

# exit
Connection to abacus101 closed.

Stage 2: Add Your Second Node and Configure It for SOL (Serial Over LAN) Operation (aka Text Mode Console)

You could continue with your first node abacus101 and perform these steps on it but I want to show how to enable SOL (Serial Over LAN) operation (a.k.a. text mode console) on a compute node running CentOS Linux 5, and a different node is perfect for that since its OS hasn’t been upgraded yet (it’s still CentOS Linux 5.2).

To prepare the IBM HS21 blade server for supporting serial console, you need to:

  • enable SOL (Serial Over LAN) in the BIOS, and
  • configure the operating system for SOL operation.


  • Hostname of the node you are provisioning: abacus102.mydomain.com (IP address:
  • It’s a blade server in a slot number 2 in an IBM chassis, holding (housing) a total of 14 blades (blade servers).

Configure IBM HS21 Blade BIOS for SOL (Serial Over LAN)

The IBM BladeCenter HS21 blade is a BIOS-based server (it doesn’t support UEFI).

This example shows how to use the IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) tool to remotely modify basic input/output system (BIOS) CMOS settings. Specifically, for SOL (Serial Over LAN) to work on this server model, the following six settings need to be changed in the BIOS: Serial Port A, Serial Port B, Remote Console Active, Remote Console COM Port, Remote Console After Boot, Remote Console Flow Control.

Alternatively, you can use xCAT’s rbootseq(1), which permanently sets the order of boot devices for BMC-based servers, or rsetboot(1) command, which sets the boot device to be used for BMC-based servers for the next boot only.

Download and Install Advanced Settings Utility (ASU)

Using your web browser, navigate from the IBM home page to the Support page and then to (under section “Downloads, fixes & updates”) Fix Central. Under “Find product”, in the “Product selector:” box, type “HS21” (without quotes) to access a list of product choices. From the list of choices, select BladeCenter HS21. From the “Product:” drop-down, select 8853.

In the Operating system, select “All”. Click Continue. Select the 64-bit version of IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) for Linux (name: ibm_utl_asu_asut79n-9.30_linux_x86-64_rpm).

The downloaded file name is H29456300.iso. Copy this file to the xCAT server, xcatmn.mydomain.com (in this example, with the IP address

$ scp H29456300.iso username@

Log into the xCAT server.

$ ssh username@

Mount the ISO image.

# mkdir /mnt/ASUISO
# mount -t iso9660 /tmp/H29456300.iso /mnt/ASUISO
# ls /mnt/ASUISO/

Create a directory for the ASU and copy all files from the ASU ISO image to it.

# mkdir /opt/asu
# cp -i /mnt/ASUISO/ibm_utl_asu_asut79n-* /opt/asu/

Unmount the ASU ISO image.

# umount /mnt/ASUISO/

Copy the ASU RPM installation file to the node (this node’s IP address is

# scp \
/opt/asu/ibm_utl_asu_asut79n-9.30_linux_x86-64.rpm \

Log into this node.

# ssh root@

Install the ASU from the RPM package.

# cd /tmp
# rpm -ivh ibm_utl_asu_asut79n-9.30_linux_x86-64.rpm

List all installed packages on the system and confirm that the ASU is installed:

# rpm -qa | grep asu

Find where the ASU’s RPM installs the files:

# rpm -qpl ibm_utl_asu_asut79n-9.30_linux_x86-64.rpm



To get help for ASU:

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 --help
IBM Advanced Settings Utility version 9.30.79N
Usage: ./asu [apps] <cmds> [<cmd_mod> | <class>] [<options>] [<connect_opts>]

  Note: Full description of an app:     ./asu <app_name> --help
        Full description of a command:  ./asu <cmds> --help

  savestat [app_cmd]   - Tool Kit Store System Install State
  immcfg [app_cmd]     - Configure IMM LAN over USB (IMM-based servers only)
  fodcfg [app_cmd]     - Configure Feature on Demand(FoD)
  cmmcfg [app_cmd]     - Configure the CMM
  immapp [app_cmd]     - Immapp Configuration

   --license        encrypt       patchadd       replicate  showdefault
   batch            export        patchextract   resetrsa   showgroups
   createuuid       generate      patchlist      restore    showlocation
   comparedefault   help          patchremove    save       showvalues
   delete           import        rebootimm      set        version
   deletecert       loaddefault   rebootbmc      setenc     readraw
   dump             nodes         rebootrsa      show       writeraw

*** The ASU User's Guide provides detailed command description and operation.

Show names of variable classes on the system.

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 showgroups

Show the possible values for the specified setting.

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 showvalues 

Show the default value for the specified setting.

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 showdefault

Show the current value for one or all settings.

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 show
    show [<setting>][<cmdmod>] [<options>] [<connect_opts>]

To prepare the IBM HS21 blade server to support serial console, you need to enable SOL (Serial Over LAN) in BIOS. That’s done by changing values of six BIOS settings (names of the six settings are listed at the beginning of this section above).

Change values for the six BIOS settings:

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set CMOS_SerialA "Auto-configure"
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set CMOS_SerialB "Auto-configure"
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set CMOS_RemoteConsoleEnable Enabled
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set CMOS_RemoteConsoleComPort "COM 2"
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set CMOS_RemoteConsoleBootEnable Enabled
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set CMOS_RemoteConsoleFlowCtrl Hardware 

BladeCenter SOL (Serial over LAN) Setup Guide - IBM Corporation, Twelfth Edition (November 2009) (retrieved on Mar 22, 2022): Chapter 2. General configuration > Updating and configuring the blade server BIOS

Configure RHEL-Based Linux Distribution for Serial Console (Text Console)

In this example the operating system on the node is CentOS Linux 5.2 (64-bit).

To configure Linux for SOL operation, you must configure it to expose the Linux initialization (booting) process. This enables users to log in to the Linux console using an SOL session and directs Linux output to the serial console.

Note: This procedure is based on a default installation of RHEL 5.2 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2). The file names, structures, and commands might be different for other versions of RHEL-based Linux distributions.

  • Hardware flow control prevents character loss during communication over a serial connection. You must enable it when using a Linux operating system. Add the following line to the end of the # Run gettys in standard runlevels section of the /etc/inittab file. This enables hardware flow control and enables users to log in through the SOL console. 7:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -h ttyS1 19200 vt102

  • Add the following line at the bottom of the /etc/securetty file to enable a user to log in as the root user through the SOL console:

GRUB Configuration

Complete the following steps to modify the /boot/grub/grub.conf file:

  • Comment out the splashimage=... line by adding a # at the beginning of this line.

  • Add the following line before the first title ... line: # This will allow you to only monitor the OS boot via SOL

  • Add the following text to the end of first title ... line:
    SOL Monitor

  • Add the following text to the end of the kernel /... line of the first title ... section:
    console=ttyS1,19200 console=tty1

  • Add the following lines after the frst title ... section:

# This will allow you to interact with the OS boot via SOL
title CentOS (2.6.18-92.el5) SOL Interactive
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet console=tty1
    initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-92.el5.img

Note: The entry beginning with kernel /boot/vmlinuz... is shown with a line break after console=tty1. In your file, the entire entry must all be on one line.

Modified /boot/grub/grub.conf contents:

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE:  You do not have a /boot partition.  This means that
#          all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
#          root (hd0,0)
#          kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda1
#          initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
# This will allow you to only monitor the OS boot via SOL
title CentOS (2.6.18-92.el5) SOL Monitor
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet
console=ttyS1,19200 console=tty1
    initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-92.el5.img

# This will allow you to interact with the OS boot via SOL
title CentOS (2.6.18-92.el5) SOL Interactive
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet
console=tty1 console=ttyS1,19200
    initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-92.el5.img

Note: The entries beginning with kernel /boot/vmlinuz... are shown with a line break. In the actual grub.conf file, the both entries are actually on one line.

You must reboot the Linux operating system after completing these procedures for the changes to take effect and to enable SOL. However, instead of doing it from the OS, I want to confirm that the SOL setup worked by performing a test with establishing a SOL connection to the command console of this blade server. Steps listed below show how to do that.

Log on to the management module (MM) via the CLI (command line interface) by following instructions listed above (“Connecting to CLI on MM”).

Power cycle this blade server, blade 2 (which is in a blade chassis, holding a total of 14 blades) to command console.

The -cycle option: power off, then on. The -c option: enter console mode at power on (used on blades with -on or -cycle). The -T option: target (in this case blade number 2).

system> power -cycle -c -T system:blade[2]

If you see output similar to the following, the SOL setup works:

IPMI kcs interface initialized

                                             CP: 17RN50 200m/200e DDR1 BIOS

IBM BIOS - (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2008                       CP: 28
Symmetric Multiprocessing System$
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5430 @ 2.66GHz$
2 Processor Packages Installed$

16384 MB Installed Memory

Press F1 for Configuration/Setup
Press F2 for Diagnostics
Press F12 for Boot Device Selection Menu

>> BIOS Version 1.15 <<


Press any key to enter the menu

Booting CentOS (2.6.18-92.el5) SOL Monitor in 1 seconds...


CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
Kernel 2.6.18-92.el5 on an x86_64

abacus102 login: root

Note: If you loose communication over the serial connection, you can re-establish it with the console command: console -T system:blade[2]

To exit the SOL session and to return to the CLI on the MM, press Esc followed by an open parenthesis: Esc ( (two characters: Esc and Shift-9 [on US keyboards])

To return to the OS, in the CLI prompt of the MM, type exit

Back in the OS:

# ping -c2

To get the MAC address of the node with IP address

# arp -a | grep ''
? ( at 01:02:03:04:05:0e [ether] on eth1

Note: If you don’t have network connection with this node, you can obtain its MAC address by logging in to the MM (BMC).

Log on to the management module (MM) via the CLI (command line interface) by following instructions listed above (“Connecting to CLI on MM”).

In the BMC CLI prompt:

system> info -T blade[2]
MAC Address 1: 00:11:22:[...]
MAC Address 2: 00:11:22:[...]
MAC Address 3: Not Available
MAC Address 4: Not Available

Create an xCAT data object definition for this node (name the node abacus102).

Note: I had to create this data object in two steps: The attribute bmc must be specified but when I used bmc with mgt=blade, the mkdef returned an error: “Cannot set the attr=’bmc’ attribute unless mgt value is ipmi or openbmc” so in this first step I skipped setting bmc attribute and then changed it in the next step.

# mkdef \
-t node abacus102 \
id=2 \
--template x86_64-template \
ip= \
mac=01:02:03:04:05:0e \
bmc= \
mpa=xbcmm1n \
getmac=blade \
cons=blade \
serialport=1 \
# chdef -t node -o abacus102 mgt=blade
# lsdef abacus102 
Object name: abacus102
    usercomment=the system X node definition
# tabdump mpa
# tabdump mp

Change id in node=abacus102 row in the mp table setting with id=2:

# chtab \
node=abacus102 \
# tabdump mp

Check abacus102 hardware control:

# rpower abacus102 state
abacus102: on
# rinv -V abacus102 all
20220320.21:48:23 (3057) rinv:start deal with SNMP session.
abacus102: Machine Type/Model: 8853AC1
abacus102: Serial Number: KQCCXBF
abacus102: MAC Address 1: 01:02:03:04:05:0e
abacus102: MAC Address 2: 01:02:03:04:05:0f
abacus102: Management Module firmware: 16 (BRET86S 10-12-09)
20220320.21:48:24 (3057) rinv:SNMP session completed.

Configure DNS.

# makehosts abacus102 
Warning: [xcatmn]: No domain can be determined for node 'abacus102'. 
  The domain of the xCAT node must be provided in an xCAT network
  definition or the xCAT site definition.
# makedns -n
Error: [xcatmn]: domain not defined in site table

To fix this error, add the domain attribute as explained further below.

The tabdump command displays the header and all the rows of the specified table in CSV (comma separated values) format. To show descriptions of the tables, instead of the contents of the tables, use the option -d. If a table name is also specified, descriptions of the columns (attributes) of the table will be displayed. Otherwise, a summary of each table will be displayed.

# tabdump -d

Note: The site table is specific and different from all the other tables.

# tabdump -d | grep -n site
115:site:  Global settings for the whole cluster.  This table is different from

# tabdump -d | sed -n 115,121p
site:  Global settings for the whole cluster.  This table is different from
the other tables in that each attribute is just named in the key column,
rather than having a separate column for each attribute. The following is
a list of attributes currently used by xCAT organized into categories.

statelite: The location on an NFS server where a nodes persistent files
are stored.  Any file marked persistent in t.

To show how site table is differently laid out, let’s compare it to, for example, table passwd:

# tabdump passwd
# tabdump site

This means that with all tables except the site table, you specifty attribute by first giving the table name. For example, in case of the passwd table (passwd.username or passwd.password):

# chtab key=system passwd.username=root passwd.password='abc!!123(??)'

In contrast, for the site table, after the table name (that is, after site), you always use .value:

# chtab key=nameservers site.value=

Back to fixing the error raised above (with makehosts abacus102 and makedns -n) where the warning was that the domain of the xCAT node must be provided in an xCAT network definition or the xCAT site definition.

Description of the networks table:

# tabdump -d | grep networks
networks:       Describes the networks in the cluster and info necessary to
set up nodes on that network.

Description of the domain attribute:

# tabdump -d site | grep -w domain 
 domain:  The DNS domain name used for the cluster.

Currently, the site table doesn’t have the domain key:

# tabdump site | grep -i domain

To add the domain key and value (in this example mydomain.com) to the site table:

# chtab key=domain site.value=mydomain.com

After this, both makehosts and makedns work:

# makehosts abacus102
# tail -1 /etc/hosts abacus102 abacus102.mydomain.com
# makedns -n 
Handling xbcmm1n in /etc/hosts.
Handling abacus102 in /etc/hosts.
Handling localhost in /etc/hosts.
Handling localhost in /etc/hosts.
Handling xcatmn in /etc/hosts.
Getting reverse zones, this may take several minutes for a large cluster.
Completed getting reverse zones.
Updating zones.
Completed updating zones.
Restarting named
Restarting named complete
Updating DNS records, this may take several minutes for a large cluster.
Completed updating DNS records.
DNS setup is completed

BladeCenter SOL (Serial over LAN) Setup Guide - IBM Corporation, Twelfth Edition (November 2009) (retrieved on Mar 22, 2022): Chapter 3. Operating system configuration > Linux configuration > Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1 configuration

Create a QEMU Image Snapshot Backup

Power off the guest VM.

Run the following commands on the host.

$ qemu-img info xcatmn.img
image: xcatmn.img
file format: raw
virtual size: 80 GiB (85899345920 bytes)
disk size: 21.6 GiB

List all snapshots in the image.

$ qemu-img snapshot -l xcatmn.img

So currently the image doesn’t have any snapshots.

Convert image format from raw to qcow2.

$ qemu-img \
convert \
-f raw \
-O qcow2 \
xcatmn.img \
$ ls -lh xcatmn.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dusko dusko 80G Mar 20 20:03 xcatmn.img

$ ls -lh xcatmn.qcow2
-rw-r--r-- 1 dusko dusko 24G Mar 20 20:04 xcatmn.qcow2

Create the snapshot.

$ qemu-img snapshot -c xcat_configured_bkp xcatmn.qcow2

List all snapshots in the image.

$ qemu-img snapshot -l xcatmn.qcow2
Snapshot list:
ID        TAG                 VM SIZE                DATE       VM CLOCK
1         xcat_configured_bkp     0 B 2022-03-20 20:04:13   00:00:00.000

Stage 3: Prepare Postscripts and Postbootscripts

For this installation, I wrote the following two custom scripts:

  • compute_custom_post: post-installation script for all CNs (compute nodes)
  • abacus_custom_postboot: post-boot script for abacus cluster’s CNs (compute nodes)

while setupntp, the next required post-installation script for all CNs (compute nodes) setupntp, was already preinstalled by xCAT.


  • Hostname of the compute node that I’m using in this example: abacus102.mydomain.com (IP address: It’s a blade server in a slot number 2 in an IBM chassis, holding (housing) a total of 14 blades (blade servers).

Start the xCAT QEMU VM (xcatmn.mydomain.com, with IP address

$ /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
-drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img \
-m 4G \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br0",id=hn0 \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br1",id=hn1 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn1 \

Log into the QEMU virtual machine; that is, the xCAT MN (management node):

$ ssh root@

The execution of post-installation and post-boot scripts is configured with the xCAT postscripts table. Post-installation and post-boot scripts, including custom scripts, are placed in /install/postscripts.

# tabdump postscripts
# xdsh abacus102 cat /etc/redhat-release
abacus102: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

Example Use Case: PBS Scheduling Software with WebMO as Front-End

Scheduling software lets you run your cluster like a batch system, allowing you to allocate cluster resources, such as CPU time and memory, on a job-by-job basis. Jobs are queued and run as resources become available, subject to the priorities you establish. Your users will be able to add and remove jobs from the job queue as well as track the progress of their jobs. As the administrator, you will be able to establish priorities and manage the queue.

There are several freely available scheduling systems.

Note: This is an example of setting up PBS (Portable Batch System), specifically TORQUE (Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue Manager),

From Distributed Computing with Python by Francesco Pierfederici
Packt Publishing, April 2016

The Portable Batch System (PBS) was developed for NASA in the beginning of the 90s. It now exists in three variants: OpenPBS, Torque, and PBS Pro. These are all forks of the original codebase, and have a very similar look and feel from the user perspective.

Here, I look at Torque HPC Resource Manager.

Torque Resource Manager

TORQUE v 2.3.6, thanks to The Internet Archive:

From the README for TORQUE v 2.3.6:

$ cat README.torque
# TORQUE 2.3.6 README (released Dec, 23 2008)

OVERVIEW --------------------

  TORQUE (Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager) is an open source
project based on the original PBS* resource manager developed by NASA,
LLNL, and MRJ.  It possesses a large number of enhancements contributed by
organizations such as OSC, NCSA, TeraGrid, the U.S Dept of Energy, USC, 
and many, many others. [...] It may be utilized, modified, and distributed
subject to the constraints of the license located in the PBS_License.txt file. 
* TORQUE is not endorsed by nor affiliated with Altair.

The pbs_mom(8) command starts a pbs batch Machine Oriented Mini-server (MOM) on a local host (on a compute node). Typically, on systems with traditional SysV init scripts, this command will be in a local boot file such as /etc/rc.local.

List the torque directory content on the storage server (IP address:, which is configured with a shared directory across the nodes (via NFS). (This is the new server that replaced the old one in summer of 2021. You can call it a “head node” as in addition to being the storage server, it’s also hosting a front-end WebMO, running with Apache webserver.)

# ssh -t dusko@ ls -lh /opt/torque/
dusko@'s password:
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 16  2009 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   92 May 16  2009 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  113 May 16  2009 lib
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root   54 May 16  2009 man
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  147 May 16  2009 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   19 May 16  2009 var
Connection to closed.

While you are sill logged in the MN (Management Node), xcatmn.mydomain.com (IP address:, tar and copy the PBS torque directory from an existing compute node (for example, from a compute node with IP address

# ssh -t root@ ls -lh /opt/torque/
# ssh -t root@ \
'cd /opt; tar czf torque.tar.gz torque; mv torque.tar.gz /tmp'
root@'s password: 
Connection to closed.

Copy the content of the PBS torque directory from the compute node (using the already mentioned node at temporarily to the MN (management node).

# scp root@ .

The tarred PBS torque directory on the compute node can be deleted:

# ssh -t root@ rm -i /tmp/torque.tar.gz 

The PBS torque directory now can be copied to from the MN (management node) to the compute node that you are provisioning:

# scp torque.tar.gz root@

Log out from the MN (management node).

# exit
Connection to closed.

You are now back in the compute node that you are provisioning (named: abacus102). If not, you can log into it with ssh abacus102 since you’ve already configured it for passwordless ssh.

# hostname
# cd /opt
# tar xf torque.tar.gz
# rm -i torque.tar.gz
# ls -lh /opt/torque/
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 16  2009 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   92 May 16  2009 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  113 May 16  2009 lib
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root   54 May 16  2009 man
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  147 May 16  2009 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   19 May 16  2009 var

Version of the TORQUE that I copied to the compute node is 2.3.6:

# grep ^version /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config

Remove an old mom.lock file.

# rm -i /opt/torque/var/spool/mom_priv/mom.lock

Convert Traditional SysV (System V) Init Script (aka SysVinit) for pbs_mom Service to systemd Unit File

At the beginning of the previous section above (titled Torque Resource Manager), I downloaded the source for TORQUE v 2.3.6. I untarred the tar file and located the traditional SysV init script at contrib/init.d/pbs_mom.

# diff --unified=0 pbs_mom.ORIG pbs_mom
--- pbs_mom.ORIG      2022-03-20 10:24:36.586238000 -0700
+++ pbs_mom    2022-03-20 10:24:59.884424000 -0700
@@ -12,2 +12,4 @@
# vi /etc/systemd/system/pbs_mom.service
# cat /etc/systemd/system/pbs_mom.service
Description=PBS Mom service


# systemctl daemon-reload

Find out (confirm) the TORQUE server name. In this example, it’s mgmt.

# ls -lh /opt/torque/var/spool/server_name
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 May 16  2009 /opt/torque/var/spool/server_name

# cat /opt/torque/var/spool/server_name

Note: This sample configuration includes WebMO as a front-end:

WebMO is a web-based interface to computational chemistry packages.

While still on the compute node abacus102, add IP_address canonical_hostname pairs to the /etc/hosts file for the following hosts:

  • abacus102: this compute node
  • mgmt: MN (management node)
  • abacus.mydomain.com: the WebMO server
# printf %s\\n " abacus102" >> /etc/hosts
# printf %s\\n " mgmt" >> /etc/hosts
# printf %s\\n " abacus.mydomain.com" >> /etc/hosts
# systemctl is-enabled pbs_mom.service
# systemctl enable pbs_mom.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pbs_mom.service to
# systemctl is-enabled pbs_mom.service
# systemctl start pbs_mom.service
# systemctl is-active pbs_mom.service

Submit a Test Job to a Specific Node

As the compute node abacus102 has already been configured (with passwordless ssh), you can log into it:

[root@xcatmn ~]# ssh abacus102
Last login: Sun Mar 30 16:30:21 2022 from xcatmn.mydomain.com

[root@abacus102 ~]# 

On the compute node abacus102:

# find /opt/torque/ -iname '*qstat*'

The manpage for qstat(1B) from the PBS software package (Torque):

# man /opt/torque/man/man1/qstat.1 

qstat(1B)                   PBS                  qstat(1B)

       qstat - show status of pbs batch jobs

---- snip ----

Exit the compute node.

# exit
Connection to abacus102 closed.

Log in to the head node (IP address:, a.k.a. the webserver (for WebMO). NOTE: This is not the xCAT MN (management node), xcatmn.mydomain.com (IP address:

# ssh root@
# command -v qstat; type -a qstat; whereis qstat; which qstat
qstat is /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/qstat
qstat is /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/qstat
qstat: /opt/torque/bin/qstat /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/qstat /usr/share/man/man1p/qstat.1p.gz

NOTE the different manpage for the qstat(1P) from the POSIX Programmer’s Manual than the one above (for qstat(1B) [from the PBS software package (Torque)]:

# man qstat

QSTAT(1P)                   POSIX Programmer's Manual   QSTAT(1P)

       This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual. 
       The Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the 
       corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior), 
       or the interface may not be implemented on Linux.

       qstat - show status of batch jobs

---- snip ----

Without any options or arguments, qstat requests for status of all jobs (in all queues at the default server):

# qstat 
Job id      Name         User  Time Use S Queue
----------- ------------ ----- -------- - -----
290398.mgmt WebMO_285069 webmo  2:17:56 R abacus 

While still at the head node (remember, this is not the xCAT MN xcatmn.mydomain.com), first use the pbsnodes(8) 8 to check whether the node’s state is free.

# pbsnodes -l all abacus102
abacus102            offline

If the node is in OFFLINE state, the fix is to clear OFFLINE from the node:

# pbsnodes -c abacus102

If the node is in DOWN state, try fixing it by restarting pbs_mom service on the node – remember that you need to run the xdsh(1) command from the xCAT MN (Management Node) so you first need to log into the xCAT MN:

# ssh root@

In the xCAT MN (IP address:, run xdsh(1) command to restart the pbs_mom service on the compute node abacus102:

# xdsh abacus102 systemctl restart pbs_mom.service

Exit the xCAT MN (Management Node).

# exit

Back on the head node (IP address:, restart the pbs_server service.

# systemctl restart pbs_server.service

Confirm that the status of the node is now free.

# pbsnodes -l all abacus102
abacus102            free

While still on the head node (IP address:, create a test job (a.k.a. batch job) that will be submitted to run specifically on the compute node abacus102.

# vi test_abacus102
# cat test_abacus102
#PBS -l nodes=1:abacus102
sleep 120

Submit a test job to compute node abacus102:

# qsub test_abacus102

You’ll notice that the PBS Torque returned a job number, which is 290405.mgmt.

# qstat -a

                                                       Req'd Req'd   Elap
Job ID      User Queue  Jobname         SessID NDS TSK Mem   Time  S Time
----------- ---- ------ --------------  ------ --- --- ----- ----- - ----
290405.mgmt root abacus test_abacus102  28382    1  --   --  120:0 R  --

Log into the compute node abacus102 to confirm whether the submitted test job is running on this node.

$ ssh root@abacus102
# find /opt/torque/ -name '*290405*'
# cat /opt/torque/var/spool/mom_priv/jobs/290405.mgmt.SC
#PBS -l nodes=1:abacus102
sleep 120
# cat /opt/torque/var/spool/aux/290405.mgmt

Log out from the compute node abacus102.

# exit
Connection to abacus102 closed.

Back on the head node:

# qstat 
Job id      Name           User Time Use S Queue
----------- -------------- ---- -------- - -----
290405.mgmt test_abacus102 root 00:00:00 R abacus

After 120 seconds:

# qstat 
Job id      Name           User Time Use S Queue
----------- -------------- ---- -------- - -----

Setup NFS Server on the Head Node (HN) Running CentOS 8/RHEL 8

The following steps are performed on the head node abacus.mydomain.com (IP address:

Note: The head node has been previously configured as an NFS server so the needed NFS server package (nfs-utils) is already installed:

$ sudo dnf list --installed | grep nfs-utils
nfs-utils.x86_64    1:2.3.3-46.el8    @rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms

Verify the version of nfs protocol that is running. The version is indicated by the second column in the output below.

$ rpcinfo -p | grep nfs
    100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
    100003    4   tcp   2049  nfs
    100227    3   tcp   2049  nfs_acl

For additional configuration of the NFS server, you can find the configuration files at /etc/nfs.conf, which is the NFS daemon config file and the /etc/nfsmount.conf, which is the configuration file for the NFS mount. In this example, these two files haven’t been customized:

$ grep -v \# /etc/nfs.conf
# /etc/nfs.conf
$ grep -v \# /etc/nfsmount.conf
[ NFSMount_Global_Options ]

The file system that is shared from the NFS server to NFS client systems:

$ showmount -e
Export list for mgmt:
/export   abacus214,abacus213, [...], abacus102,abacus101,mgmt
/global   abacus214,abacus213, [...], abacus102,abacus101,mgmt
/home     abacus214,abacus213, [...], abacus102,abacus101,mgmt

Directory ownership and permissions:

$ ls -ld /global
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 3 Aug  3  2021 /global
$ ls -ld /home
drwxr-xr-x. 33 root root 34 Jun 21  2021 /home

All the compute nodes are allowed access to the NFS share:

$ cat /etc/exports
/home mgmt(rw,sync,no_root_squash) abacus101(rw,sync,no_root_squash) abacus102(rw,sync,no_root_squash) [...] abacus213(rw,sync,no_root_squash) abacus214(rw,sync,no_root_squash) 
/global mgmt(rw,sync,no_root_squash) abacus101(rw,sync,no_root_squash) abacus102(rw,sync,no_root_squash) [...] abacus213(rw,sync,no_root_squash) abacus214(rw,sync,no_root_squash)


  • rw: Allow NFS clients read/write permissions to the NFS share.
  • sync: Require the writing of the changes on the disk first before any other operation can be carried out.
  • no_root_squash: Allow access to files inside directories to which only root has access.
    • From the man page for exports(5): “Very often, it is not desirable that the root user on a client machine is also treated as root when accessing files on the NFS server. To this end, UID 0 is normally mapped to a different ID: the so-called anonymous or nobody UID. This mode of operation (called ‘root squashing’) is the default, and can be turned off with no_root_squash.” In other words, do not map requests from the root user on the client-side to an anonymous UID/GID.

Configure the Firewall Rules for NFS Server on CentOS 8/RHEL 8

While still on the head node abacus.mydomain.com (IP address:

$ sudo systemctl start firewalld.service
$ sudo systemctl is-active firewalld.service
$ sudo systemctl enable firewalld.service
$ sudo systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=rpc-bind
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=mountd
$ sudo grep -n PORT /opt/torque/include/pbs_ifl.h
392:#define PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT  15001
398:#define PBS_BATCH_SERVICE_PORT_DIS 15001  /* new DIS port   */
404:#define PBS_MOM_SERVICE_PORT  15002
410:#define PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT 15003
$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=15001-15004/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
$ sudo systemctl restart firewalld
$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  interfaces: br0 br1 eno1 eno2
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client http https mountd nfs rpc-bind ssh
  ports: 15001-15004/tcp

Set Up NFS Client on Compute Node

Log in to the compute node abacus102.

# ssh root@abacus102
# printf %s\\n "mgmt:/home    /home    nfs  defaults  1 2" >> /etc/fstab
# printf %s\\n "mgmt:/global  /global  nfs  defaults  1 2" >> /etc/fstab
# mkdir /global
# mount -a
# df -hT /home
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
mgmt:/home     nfs4  5.0T  1.8T  3.3T  36% /home

# df -hT /global
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
mgmt:/global   nfs4  3.9T  637G  3.3T  17% /global
# printf %s\\n Test > /home/testfile

# ls -lh /home/testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Mar 20 19:59 /home/testfile

# cat /home/testfile

# rm -i /home/testfile
rm: remove regular file ‘/home/testfile’? y

# ls -lh /home/testfile
ls: cannot access /home/testfile: No such file or directory

[TODO]: Complete this section

Postscripts Setup

The following steps need to be run on the management node, xcatmn.mydomain.com (IP address:

# mkdir /install/custom
# cd /install/custom/

Copy the content that your postscript will need. In this example, I prepared the torque directory on another compute node (abacus106, with the IP address: that I previously configured manually.

# scp root@ .

You don’t need the tarred content on the other compute node so you can delete it from there:

# ssh -t root@ rm -i /tmp/torque.tar.gz

Create the synclist file.

# cat /install/custom/install/centos/compute.centos7.x86_64.synclist
/install/custom/torque/* -> /opt/torque/

/install/custom/group_cn_common -> /etc/group
/install/custom/gshadow_cn_common -> /etc/gshadow
/install/custom/passwd_cn_common -> /etc/passwd
/install/custom/shadow_cn_common -> /etc/shadow

Confirm that the object osimage now has the attribute synclists.

# lsdef -t osimage -i synclists
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-netboot-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-statelite-compute

Since it’s included in the osimage object, the syncfiles has been addeed to the postscripts attribute of the compute node that you’re configuring (abacus102):

# lsdef -t node -o abacus102 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus102

Create the postscripts file.

# cat /install/postscripts/compute_custom_post 
# This is a postscript to configure compute nodes as NFS clients.
# This script is supposed to be located at
# /install/postscripts/compute_custom_post
# In order for it to be run after nodes are installed, compute_custom_post
# should be included in the postscripts field of the postscripts xCAT table.
# E.g.: nodegrpch compute postscripts.postscripts=compute_custom_post


cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.ORIG

printf %s\\n "$MN_IP $MN_HOST" >> /etc/hosts

mkdir /etc/xcat
mkdir /global
printf %s\\n "$MN_HOST:/home    /home    nfs  defaults  1 2" >> /etc/fstab
printf %s\\n "$MN_HOST:/global  /global  nfs  defaults  1 2" >> /etc/fstab

mount -a
# chmod 0755 /install/postscripts/compute_custom_post  

The next required postscripts script, setupntp, was already preinstalled by xCAT:

# ls -lh /install/postscripts/setupntp
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7.4K Nov 10  2021 /install/postscripts/setupntp

# wc -l /install/postscripts/setupntp
328 /install/postscripts/setupntp
# head /install/postscripts/setupntp
# setupchrony - Set up chrony
# Copyright (C) 2018 International Business Machines
# Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (EPL-1.0)
#     <http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html>
# 2018-07-11 GONG Jie <gongjie@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
#     - Draft

Create the postbootscripts file.

# cat /install/postscripts/abacus_custom_postboot
# This is a postbootscript to perform postboot configuration on the
# compute nodes.  ("postboot" means after the reboot that occurs after
# installation has completed)
# This script is supposed to be located at
# /install/postscripts/abacus_custom_postboot
# In order for it to be run after nodes are installed and rebooted,
# abacus_custom_postboot
# should be included in the postbootscripts field of the postscripts xCAT table.
# E.g.:  nodegrpch compute postscripts.postbootscripts=abacus_custom_postboot


printf %s\\n '[Unit]' > $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n 'Description=PBS Mom service' >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n '[Service]' >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n 'ExecStart=/opt/torque/sbin/pbs_mom' >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n 'Type=forking' >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n '[Install]' >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC
printf %s\\n 'WantedBy=multi-user.target' >> $PBS_MOM_SERVICE_LOC

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start pbs_mom.service
systemctl enable pbs_mom.service

rm /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
rm /root/.ssh/id_rsa

chmod 0600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
chmod 0600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
chmod 0600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
chmod 0600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

systemctl restart sshd.service
# chmod 0755 /install/postscripts/abacus_custom_postboot
# lsdef abacus102 | grep provmethod

# lsdef abacus102 | grep -w -i os

# nodels abacus102 nodetype | grep profile
abacus102: nodetype.profile: compute

# tabdump nodetype
---- snip ----

As of now, the postscripts attribute for the node abacus102 has not been updated with the required scripts. From the definition of the object type node, for the object abacus102, display the attribute postscripts. You’ll notice that both setupntp and compute_custom_post have not been appended to the postscripts line:

# lsdef -t node -o abacus102 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus102

Similarly, when you ask for the postbootscripts attribute of the node abacus102, the abacus_custom_postboot script is missing from the postbootscripts line:

# lsdef -t node -o abacus102 -i postbootscripts
Object name: abacus102

Upgrade the group compute with the required postscripts and postbootscripts script files:

# nodegrpch compute postscripts.postscripts=setupntp,compute_custom_post
# nodegrpch compute postscripts.postbootscripts=abacus_custom_postboot

Confirm that it’s been done:

# tabdump postscripts
---- snip ----

Also, you’ll see that the compute node (abacus102) has not been added to the postscripts table:

# tabdump postscripts | grep abacus102

Add the required postscripts and postbootscripts script files to the node by updating it with the chtab(8) command.

# chtab \
node=abacus102 \
postscripts.postscripts=setupntp,compute_custom_post \

To confirm that the needed postscripts are now included with the node:

# lsdef abacus102 | grep postscripts 
# lsdef abacus102 | grep postbootscripts
# tabdump postscripts
---- snip ----
# tabdump postscripts | grep abacus102

Continuing with the setup, confirm that the node’s profile is compute as that’s the name of the whole group you modified earlier above.

# nodels abacus102 nodetype
abacus102: nodetype.arch: x86_64
abacus102: nodetype.node: abacus102
abacus102: nodetype.os: centos7.9
abacus102: nodetype.profile: compute
abacus102: nodetype.provmethod: centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
abacus102: nodetype.supportedarchs: 
abacus102: nodetype.comments: 
abacus102: nodetype.nodetype: 
abacus102: nodetype.disable: 
# tabdump nodetype
---- snip ----
# lsdef -t node -o abacus102 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus102
# lsdef -t node -o abacus102 -i postbootscripts
Object name: abacus102

Set xcatdebugmode in the site table to 2.

# chdef -t site xcatdebugmode=2

Push syncfiles to the node:

# updatenode abacus102 -P syncfiles
# updatenode abacus102 -F -V

Log in to the compute node (abacus102):

NOTE: For the rcons to work, the node’s BIOS must be configured for SOL (Serial Over LAN), a.k.a. Text Mode Console. 10

# rcons abacus102
CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus102 login: root

[root@abacus102 ~]#

Run the following command (note: is the IP address of the managment node (MN), xcatmn.mydomain.com, and 3001 is xCAT port).

/xcatpost/startsyncfiles.awk -v RCP=/usr/bin/rsync

Exit the compute node.

# exit

The CentOS Linux login banner appears.

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus102 login:

Press Ctrl-e c . (three characters: Ctrl-e, ‘c’ and ‘.’) to disconnect from the node by closing the session with the makegocons.

Back in the management node, xcatmn.mydomain.com:

# xdcp abacus102 -F /install/custom/install/centos/compute.centos7.x86_64.synclist

Update the node abacus102 but limit it to only run the scripts:

# updatenode abacus102 -P

Check whether the run of the scripts worked.

Yeah, it worked for synclist; that is compute.centos7.x86_64.synclist:

# xdsh abacus102 ls -lh /opt/torque/ 
abacus102: total 4.0K
abacus102: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K May 16  2009 bin
abacus102: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root   92 May 16  2009 include
abacus102: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  113 May 16  2009 lib
abacus102: drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root   54 May 16  2009 man
abacus102: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  147 May 16  2009 sbin
abacus102: drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root   19 May 16  2009 var

# xdsh abacus102 du -chs /opt/torque/ 
abacus102: 108M /opt/torque/
abacus102: 108M total
# xdsh abacus102 cat /etc/passwd 
---- snip ----
# xdsh abacus102 cat /etc/group
---- snip ----

It also worked for the compute_custom_post script run:

# xdsh abacus102 cat /etc/fstab
---- snip ----
abacus102: mgmt:/home    /home    nfs  defaults  1 2
abacus102: mgmt:/global  /global  nfs  defaults  1 2
# xdsh abacus102 df -hT 
abacus102: Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
---- snip ---
abacus102: mgmt:/home              nfs4      5.0T  1.8T  3.3T  36% /home
abacus102: mgmt:/global            nfs4      3.9T  637G  3.3T  17% /global
# xdsh abacus102 cat /etc/hosts
---- snip ----
abacus102: mgmt

The setupntp script run worked too:

# xdsh abacus102 systemctl is-active chronyd.service
abacus102: active
# xdsh abacus102 systemctl status chronyd.service
abacus102: * chronyd.service - NTP client/server
abacus102:    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
abacus102:    Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-03-20 18:53:38 PDT; 2min ago
---- snip ----

Yep, the abacus_custom_postboot script run worked as well:

# xdsh abacus102 systemctl is-active pbs_mom.service
abacus102: active

# xdsh abacus102 systemctl status pbs_mom.service
abacus102: * pbs_mom.service - PBS Mom service
abacus102: Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pbs_mom.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
abacus102: Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-03-20 18:53:39 PDT; 2min ago
# xdsh abacus102 --verify ls -lh /
abacus102: total 28K
---- snip ----

If the above updatenode abacus102 -P does not work, you can try fixing it by the following sequence of commands:

# updatenode abacus102 -P syncfiles
# updatenode abacus102 -P "confignetwork -s"
# updatenode abacus102 -P
# updatenode abacus102 -P -F -V
# updatenode abacus102 -P syncfiles -P "confignics -s"
# updatenode abacus102 -P syncfiles -F -V
# xdsh abacus102 shutdown -r now

If you want to run all the customization scripts that have been designated for the abacus102 node (in the postscripts and postbootscripts attributes), the -P option (i.e, the command: updatenode abacus102 -P) will not work after install. Instead, after install use the -F option for file synchronization (including synchronization of the postscripts and postbootscripts attributes).

From the man page for the updatenode(1) command:

-F|--sync     Specifies that file synchronization should be performed on the
              nodes.  rsync/scp and ssh must be installed and configured on
              the nodes.
-P|--scripts  Specifies that postscripts and postbootscripts should be run on
              the nodes.  File sync with updatenode -P syncfiles is not
              supported.  The syncfiles postscript can only be run during
              install.  You should use updatenode -F instead.

Provision a Node and Manage It with Parallel Shell - aka Create (Add) a New Compute Node (CN) in xCAT - FULL EXAMPLE


  • You are configuring the new compute node on a blade server.
  • BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) in the blade chassis that hosts the blade server has already been configured so you can communicate with the BMC.
  • BMC’s IP address:
  • BMC’s username: xadmin
  • The chassis holds 14 blade servers.
  • You are configuring blade in bay number 9 (9th blade server).

Log into the xCAT management node (xCAT MN).

$ ssh root@

Configure MM (Management Module) - a.k.a. BMC (Baseboard Management Controller)

Run the discovery on IP address of the xCAT MN ( and list all discovered MM (Management Node) service types.

# lsslp -s MM -i
---- snip ----
device  type-model  serial-number  side  ip-addresses    hostname
---- snip ----
mm      8852HC1     KQABCDE      Server--SNYK123456789A 

Rename the MM node to a more human-friendly name (xbcmm1n).

# chdef \
-t node \
-o Server--SNYK123456789A \ 
-n xbcmm1n

Add the BMC (MM) node to the mp table.

In other words, you are updating rows username and password in the table mpa. From the chtab(8) command’s usage:

keycolname=keyvalue a column name-and-value pair that identifies the rows in a table to be changed.

tablename.colname=newvalue the new value for the specified row and column of the table.

# tabdump mpa
---- snip ----

So, the keycolname is mpa with value being the name of the node that you’ll give to this BMC (xbcmm1n), while the tablename.colname=newvalue are mpa.username=xadmin and mpa.password=YOUR_BMC_PASSWORD.

After this explanation, run the actual command:

# chtab \
mpa=xbcmm1n \
mpa.username=xadmin \

As the mp table refers to the mpa table:

# tabdump mp
---- snip ----

add the attribute mpa to the table mp:

# chtab \
node=xbcmm1n \

This MM (Management Module) node now includes the node and mpa attributes in the mp table:

# tabdump mp
---- snip ----

Add the attribute id. This is a MM (Management Module) and since it’s customary to give value 0 (zero) to MMs, assign 0 to it:

# chtab \
node=xbcmm1n \

Add this MM (Management Module) node’s IP address to /etc/hosts file.

# printf %s\\n " xbcmm1n" >> /etc/hosts

Check if you can communicate with the MM node. For example, test whether the rspconfig(1) can run without errors:

# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpdest
xbcmm1n: SP SNMP Destination 1:

Note: It would’ve been good even if returned value was empty (without an IP address); at this point you just want to make sure there are no errors.

Now you can setup new ssh keys (a.k.a. enable snmp and ssh) on this Management Module (named xbcmm1n):

# rspconfig xbcmm1n snmpcfg=enable sshcfg=enable


xbcmm1n: SNMP enable: OK
xbcmm1n: SSH enable: OK

You can now check remote hardware vitals for the MM node:

# rvitals xbcmm1n
---- snip ----

You can also check its hardware inventory:

# rinv xbcmm1n
---- snip ----

The passwordless ssh login to the MM node works:

# ssh xadmin@xbcmm1n

Output (with BMC CLI prompt indicated with system>):

Static IP address:
---- snip ----

Provision New Node (Compute Node)

After you’ve setup the MM (Management Module) node, you are ready to start provisioning a new compute node.

Find out the compute node’s MAC address by logging in to the MM (AMM) and obtaining it from there:

# ssh xadmin@

Note: Don’t type system> . It’s a BMC CLI prompt and it’s shown here to indicate that you are using the MM.

system> info -T blade[9]
---- snip ----
MAC Address 1: 00:11:22:33:44:55 
MAC Address 2: 00:11:22:33:44:56
---- snip ----

Note down the MAC Address 1.

Exit the BMC’s CLI.

system> exit
Connection to closed.

Create an xCAT data object definition for this node (name it abacus109).
Explanation: ip = IP address of the node; mac = MAC address of the node; bmc = IP address of the MM/AMM (BMC); bmcusername = username of BMC (MM) account; bmcpassword = password for BMC (MM) user, -t = object type, --template = name of the xCAT shipped object definition template or an existing object, from which the new object definition will be created.

Note: For the mac attribute, use the MAC Address 1 you obtained above.

# mkdef \
-t node \
abacus109 \
--template x86_64-template \
ip= \
mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 \
bmc= \
bmcusername=xadmin \

“Fix for Blade”
Since it’s on a blade server, you have to adjust this compute node’s xCAT definition and make it blade-specific. Also, while you are already making changes, modify serial port settings that this particular blade model (IBM HS21) requires for SOL (Serial Over LAN) to work; specfically, it asks it to be the second serial device (in Unix/BSD/Linux numbering style it starts with zero so the second device will be 1) with serial speed of 19200:

# chdef \
-t node \
-o abacus109 \
cons=blade mgt=blade getmac=blade serialport=1 serialspeed=19200

Note: The domain of the xCAT node must be provided in an xCAT network definition or the xCAT site definition. Otherwise, two commands in the subsequent steps for configuring DNS (makehosts and makedns -n) will not work. In this example, an assumption is that you’ve alredy defined the domain attribute in the site table:

# tabdump site | grep domain

Continuing with the setup:

# makehosts

This adds the compute node being created to /etc/hosts. Specifically, this line is added to the /etc/hosts file: abacus109 abacus109.mydomain.com

Update DNS records with the makedns(8) command.
(This also restarts named service.)

# makedns -n
# makedhcp abacus109

You can confirm that it worked by using the -q option:

# makedhcp -q abacus109
abacus109: ip-address =, hardware-address = 00:11:22:33:44:55

This updates /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file with a line:

#definition for host abacus109 aka host abacus109 can be found in the 
dhcpd.leases file (typically /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases)`

and if you check the /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases file, the compute node’s dhcp definition is there:

# grep -n abacus109 /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
106:host abacus109 {
111:        supersede server.ddns-hostname = "abacus109";
112:        supersede host-name = "abacus109";
117:                                "http://${next-server}:80/tftpboot/xcat
121:                                "http://${next-server}:80/tftpboot/xcat

Add the new compute node to the mp table.
(The mpa table has already been defined and linked to the BMC (named xbcmm1n) in the mp table.)

# chtab \
node=abacus109 \
mp.mpa=xbcmm1n \
# lsdef -t osimage -i synclists
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-netboot-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-statelite-compute

Explanation for options: -t: type, -o: object, -i: information/inquire.

# lsdef -t node -o abacus109 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus109
# lsdef abacus109 -i postscripts,postbootscripts
Object name: abacus109

So you need to add the necessary (for this particular configuration; that is, configuration of this example) scripts (both postscripts and postbootscripts) to the compute node that is being provisioned. In other words, you are updating rows postscripts and postbootscripts in the table postscripts. From the chtab(8) command’s usage:

keycolname=keyvalue a column name-and-value pair that identifies the rows in a table to be changed.

tablename.colname=newvalue the new value for the specified row and column of the table.

# tabdump postscripts
---- snip ----

So, the keycolname is node with value being the name of the node (abacus109), while the tablename.colname=newvalue are postscripts.postscripts=setupntp,compute_custom_post and postscripts.postbootscripts=abacus_custom_postboot.

After this (long) explanation, run the actual command:

# chtab \
node=abacus109 \
postscripts.postscripts=setupntp,compute_custom_post \

Now the node includes all the needed scripts:

# lsdef abacus109 -i postscripts,postbootscripts
Object name: abacus109

Check abacus109 hardware control. abacus109 power management:

# rpower abacus109 state
abacus109: on

Similarly, you can check communication with the node with rinv(1):

# rinv abacus109 all
abacus109: Machine Type/Model: 8853AC1
abacus109: Serial Number: ThisBlade'sSerialNumberHere
abacus109: MAC Address 1: 00:11:22:33:44:55 
abacus109: MAC Address 2: 00:11:22:33:44:56 
abacus109: Management Module firmware: 62 (BPET62C 06/23/2011)

The newly added compute node now appears in the nodes list:

# nodels
---- snip ----
---- snip ----

Check boot order on the node and whether it’sa configured to boot from the Ethernet (net) device.

Note: On IBM BladeCenter (which is the case here), you only have rbootseq and not rsetboot.

Re: [xcat-user] Problem with rsetboot: unable to identify plugin (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

On BladeCenter, you [only] have rbootseq. …

# rbootseq abacus109 list
abacus109: hd0,cdrom,none,none

In this case, the blade was not configured to boot from the Ethernet (net) device so you need to change it with the rbootseq(1) command:

# rbootseq abacus109 net,hd0,cdrom,none

Confirm that the boot order has been changed:

# rbootseq abacus109 list
abacus109: net,hd0,cdrom,none

Make sure that goconserver.service is running.

# systemctl is-active goconserver.service

Register the node for an instance of the console (serial console) session:

# makegocons -D abacus109

After the node is registered for an instance of the console session , the consoleenabled attribute has been added and set to 1 for the node:

# lsdef abacus109 | grep console

Ensure that the node’s status is connected by querying its console connection state.

# makegocons -q abacus109
NODE                       SERVER                     STATE
abacus109                  xcatmn.mydomain.com        connected

Start provisioning the node.

# xcatprobe osdeploy -n abacus109


# xcatprobe osdeploy -n abacus109
The install NIC in current server is eth1                             [INFO]
All nodes to be deployed are valid                                    [ OK ]
Start capturing every message during OS provision process....

Launch a separate shell session and in there (a.k.a. the second terminal), start installation process. (The nodeset(8) command sets the boot state for a node or node range.)

The osimage=imagename option (from the manual page for the nodeset(8) command):
“Prepare server for installing a node using the specified os image. The os image is defined in the osimage table and linuximage table.”

# tabdump osimage
# nodeset abacus109 osimage=centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute

Fix for rpower <nodename> boot

Back in the second terminal, as per the message above, to reboot the compute node abacus109 you would normally use this rpower command here: rpower abacus109 boot.

However, at least in this setup, I’ve found it inconsistent because when running that command, the compute node would power off but would not power back on; that is, it wouldn’t actually restart. (Even though the man page for the rpower(8) command says for the boot option: “boot: If off, then power on. If on, then hard reset. This option is recommended (emphasis mine) over cycle [option].

I had to add the following options to the rpower(8) command to make the installation work; that is, to turn the node off and then on. (Alternitavely, you could first manually turn the node off: rpower abacus109 off, and then on: rpower abacus109 on.)

Explanation for the options used in the rpower(8) command below (from the manpage for the rpower(8) command):

  • -r retrycount specify the number of retries that the monitoring process will perform before declaring the failure. The default value is 3. Setting the retrycount to 0 means only monitoring the os installation progress and will not re-initiate the installation if the node status has not been changed to the expected value after timeout. This flag must (emphasis mine) be used with -m flag.”
  • -m table.column==expectedstatus -m table.column=~expectedstatus Use one or multiple -m flags to specify the node attributes and the expected status for the node installation monitoring and automatic retry mechanism. The operators ==, !=, =~ and !~ are valid. This flag must (emphasis mine) be used with -t flag.”

    Note: While powering-on is not listed as one of valid values of the status (nodelist.status) in the manpage for node(7) or nodelist(5), in my tests it worked more reliable than using -m nodelist.status==booting or -m nodelist.status==installing. 9

  • -t timeout Specify the timeout, in minutes, to wait for the expectedstatus specified by -m flag. This is a required (emphasis mine) flag if the -m flag is specified. Power off, then on.”

In the second terminal, run the following command. (Note: You need to use the == (double equal sign), a.k.a. comparison operator when testing for the expected status with the -m option.)

# rpower \
abacus109 \
boot \
-r 0 \
-m nodelist.status==powering-on \
-t 5

The first terminal updates with the following:

[abacus109] 19:37:29 Use command rpower to reboot node abacus109

And then in less than ten seconds, the first terminal displays another line:

[abacus109] 19:37:36 Node status is changed to powering-on

Launch yet another separate shell session and in there (let’s call it the third terminal), check and monitor provisioning process. (NOTE: For the rcons to work, the node’s BIOS must be configured for SOL (Serial Over LAN), a.k.a. Text Mode Console. 10)

# rcons abacus109

The output shows that the node is booting up:

[Enter `^Ec?' for help]
goconserver(2022-08-11T20:06:46-07:00): Hello, 
welcome to the session of abacus109
>> BIOS Version 1.15 <<

Press F1 for Configuration/Setup
Press F2 for Diagnosticsbacus109
Press F12 for Boot Device Selection Menu

Broadcom NetXtreme II Ethernet Boot Agent v3.4.8
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Broadcom Corporation
All rights reserved.

---- snip ----


---- snip ----

After 5-10 minutes, output in the third terminal shows that the OS installation is finishing.

Installing boot loader
Performing post-installation setup tasks

Configuring installed system
Writing network configuration
Creating users
Configuring addons
Generating initramfs
Running post-installation scripts

You can check the provision status in/from the second terminal:

# lsdef abacus109 -i status
Object name: abacus109

After post-installation scripts are done, the node will reboot (run this in the second terminal again):

# lsdef abacus109 -i status
Object name: abacus109

Again in the second terminal after a couple of minutes:

# lsdef abacus109 -i status
Object name: abacus109

However, in the third terminal; it shows that the OS booted fine, and even logged in fine:

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus109 login: root 

[root@abacus109 ~]#

Check the provision status in the first terminal, where the output is now long and most likely has been completed:

---- snip ----
[abacus109] 20:24:39 INFO done
[abacus109] 20:24:39 INFO ready
[abacus109] 20:24:39 INFO done
[abacus109] 20:24:39 Node status is changed to failed
All nodes specified to monitor, have finished OS provision process    [ OK ]
======================  Summary  =====================
There is 1 node provision failures
abacus109 : stop at stage 'booting'                                   [FAIL]
   postscript end...: syncfiles return with 1

In this case, there was an issue with postscripts and that’ll need to be fixed.

Also, xdsh check worked:

# xdsh abacus109 more /etc/*release
abacus109: ::::::::::::::
abacus109: /etc/centos-release
abacus109: ::::::::::::::
abacus109: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
abacus109: ::::::::::::::
abacus109: /etc/os-release
abacus109: ::::::::::::::
abacus109: NAME="CentOS Linux"
abacus109: VERSION="7 (Core)"
abacus109: ID="centos"
abacus109: ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
abacus109: VERSION_ID="7"
abacus109: PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
---- snip ----

If there are remnants from a previous node setup, the host key has been changed and you’ll receive a warning about it:

[xcatmn]: abacus109: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
abacus109: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
---- snip ---
abacus109: It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
abacus109: The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is
abacus109: SHA256:I04c7IX......
---- snip ---
abacus109: Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
abacus109: Offending ECDSA key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:19
---- snip ----

To fix the warning about the host key, remove the line in question:

# sed -i.bkp '19d' /root/.ssh/known_hosts

The xdsh now works without the warning:

# xdsh abacus109 more /etc/*release
abacus109: ::::::::::::::
abacus109: /etc/centos-release
abacus109: ::::::::::::::
abacus109: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
---- snip ----
[xcatmn]: abacus109: Warning: Permanently added 'abacus109,' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

If you want, you can remove backed up known_hosts file now:

# rm -i ~/.ssh/known_hosts.bkp

Check whether the run of the scripts worked.

Yeah, it worked for synclist; that is compute.centos7.x86_64.synclist:

# xdsh abacus109 ls -lh /opt/torque/ 
abacus109: total 4.0K
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K May 16  2009 bin
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root   92 May 16  2009 include
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  113 May 16  2009 lib
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root   54 May 16  2009 man
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  147 May 16  2009 sbin
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root   19 May 16  2009 var

# xdsh abacus109 du -chs /opt/torque/ 
abacus109: 108M /opt/torque/
abacus109: 108M total
# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/passwd 
---- snip ----
# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/group
---- snip ----

It also worked for the compute_custom_post script run:

# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/fstab
---- snip ----
abacus109: mgmt:/home    /home    nfs  defaults  1 2
abacus109: mgmt:/global  /global  nfs  defaults  1 2
# xdsh abacus109 df -hT 
abacus109: Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
---- snip ---
abacus109: mgmt:/home              nfs4      5.0T  1.8T  3.3T  36% /home
abacus109: mgmt:/global            nfs4      3.9T  637G  3.3T  17% /global
# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/hosts
---- snip ----
abacus109: mgmt

The setupntp script run worked too:

# xdsh abacus109 systemctl is-active chronyd.service
abacus109: active
# xdsh abacus109 systemctl status chronyd.service
abacus109: * chronyd.service - NTP client/server
abacus109:    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
abacus109:    Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-03-20 18:53:38 PDT; 2min ago
---- snip ----

Yep, the abacus_custom_postboot script run worked as well:

# xdsh abacus109 systemctl is-active pbs_mom.service
abacus109: active

# xdsh abacus109 systemctl status pbs_mom.service
abacus109: * pbs_mom.service - PBS Mom service
abacus109: Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pbs_mom.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
abacus109: Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-03-20 18:53:39 PDT; 2min ago
# xdsh abacus109 --verify ls -lh /
abacus109: total 28K
---- snip ----

The only thing left is to run a test job as explained above, under Submit a Test Job to a Specific Node.

[TODO] Temporary/currently: no systemd for pbs_server and pbs_sched so for now starting them manually:

sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/pbs_server start and
sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/pbs_sched start

[TODO] Migrate network restart with at to Appendix.

Restart networking and see if network interfaces are in the routing table.

If you are not logged in to the server directly via console; for example, if you are logged in via ssh, use the at(1) utility, with the sequence of commands below.

NOTE: To end input, generate the end-of-file (EOF) character ¹ (aka eof command) by pressing Ctrl D (usually abbreviated ^D) on an empty line. For additional details, refer to the man page for the current shell, in this case csh/tcsh.

$ sudo at now+3min
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
at> sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
at> sleep 5
at> sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
at> <EOT>
job 1 at Thu Mar 20 15:01:00 2022

You can check terminal line settings for EOF with the stty(1):

$ stty --all | wc -l

$ stty --all | grep -i EOF
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^H; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>


$ stty --help | grep 'eof CHAR'
   eof CHAR      CHAR will send an end of file (terminate the input)

From the man page for stty(1):

Special characters:
    eof CHAR
           CHAR will send an end of file (terminate the input)
$ netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway        Genmask        Flags  MSS Window irtt Iface        UG       0 0         0 eno1  U        0 0         0 eno1  U        0 0         0 eno2  U        0 0         0 virbr0

[TODO] Show this as an alternative setup - and move it to Appendix

Management Node Setup

All the following steps should be executed on the server with the management node role.

Create Local CentOS Packages Repository

$ sudo dnf clean metadata
$ sudo dnf update  

The CentOS 7 DVD ISO image has been transferred to /tmp when the content of the image was customized: Customize CentOS/RHEL DVD ISO for Installation in Text Mode via Serial Console and Test the Image with QEMU.

[TODO] Check if the link above will work on GitHub Pages

$ sudo mkdir -p /install/isos/centos7

Place the ISO to the following directory:

$ sudo mv /tmp/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009-HS21.iso /install/isos/
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/dvd

Mount the ISO as follows.

$ sudo \
mount -o loop \
/install/isos/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009-HS21.iso \
$ df -hT | grep iso9660
/dev/loop0            iso9660   4.5G  4.5G     0 100% /mnt/dvd
$ sudo \
cp -a \
/mnt/dvd/* \
$ sudo umount /mnt/dvd

Create the CentOS repo file for the local repository.

$ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos7-local.repo
$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/centos7-local.repo
name=CentOS $releasever - $basearch

Confirm that the repo is enabled:

$ dnf repolist --all | grep centos
centos                CentOS 8 - x86_64    enabled

Install createrepo package.

This utility generates a common metadata repository from a directory of RPM packages.

It defines the RPM-metadata (repodata) format and maintains one of the programs (createrepo) which create this format from existing RPMs and other sources.

Project’s URI/URL: http://createrepo.baseurl.org/:
(Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022)

The files break down as follows:

  • repomd.xml this is the file that describes the other metadata files. It is like an index file to point to the other files. It contains timestamps and checksums for the other files. This lets a client download this one, small file and know if anything else has changed. This also means that cryptographically (ex: gpg) signing this one file can ensure repository integrity.

  • primary.xml.[gz] this file stores the primary metadata information. This includes information such as:
    • name, epoch, version, release, architecture
    • file size, file location, description, summary, format, checksums header byte-ranges, etc.
    • dependencies, provides, conflicts, obsoletes, suggests, recommends
    • file lists for the package for CERTAIN files - specifically files matching: /etc, *bin/, /usr/lib/sendmail [1]
  • filelists.xml.[gz] this file stores the complete file and directory listings for the packages. The package is identified by: name, epoch, version, release, architecture and package checksum id.
  • other.xml.[gz] this file currently only stores the changelog data from packages. However, this file could be used for any other additional metadata that could be useful for clients.
  • groups.xml.[gz] this file is tentatively described. The intention is for a common package-groups specification as well. There is still some sections for this format that need to be fleshed out.
$ sudo dnf install createrepo
$ sudo mkdir -p /install/centos7

The createrepo requires an argument which is the directory in which you would like to generate the repository data. Since the packages directory will be in /install/centos7, run the following:

$ sudo createrepo /install/centos7
Directory walk started
Directory walk done - 0 packages
Temporary output repo path: /install/centos7/.repodata/
Preparing sqlite DBs
Pool started (with 5 workers)
Pool finished
$ ls -lh /install/centos7/repodata/
total 28K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.4K Mar 20 15:22 19699a08[...]87e3-primary.sqlite.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  134 Mar 20 15:22 1cb61ea9[...]d7d8bcae-primary.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  609 Mar 20 15:22 878c2f1d[...]b9-filelists.sqlite.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  123 Mar 20 15:22 95a4415d[...]fb2a5f-filelists.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  123 Mar 20 15:22 ef3e2069[...]9e070aaab6-other.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  571 Mar 20 15:22 f660753f[...]78d966-other.sqlite.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.0K Mar 20 15:22 repomd.xml
$ sudo dnf clean all

xCAT Backup [TODO] <– Move it to Appendix

$ sudo mkdir /tmp/xcatsnapdirbkp
$ sudo /opt/xcat/sbin/xcatsnap -d /tmp/xcatsnapdirbkp


# mkdir /tmp/xCAT_Backup
# dumpxCATdb -a -p /tmp/xCAT_Backup
# restorexCATdb -p /tmp/xCAT_Backup

[TODO] Change the title - and migrate it to Troubleshooting section (after first creating the Troubleshooting section)

If You Encounter a Certificate Error

$ lsxcatd -a
Unable to open socket connection to xcatd daemon on localhost:3001.
Verify that the xcatd daemon is running and that your SSL setup is correct.
Connection failure: SSL connect attempt failed error:0407008A:rsa 
  routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:invalid padding 
  error:04067072:rsa routines:rsa_ossl_public_decrypt:padding check failed 
  error:0D0C5006:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_item_verify:EVP 
  lib error:1416F086:SSL 
  routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed at 
  /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT/Client.pm line 282.

Set the environment variable XCATBYPASS to Y and keep using it until you fix this certificate error.

$ sudo "XCATBYPASS=Y" csh -c 'lsxcatd -a'
Version 2.16.3 (git commit d6c76ae5f66566409c3416c0836660e655632194, 
  built Wed Nov 10 09:58:20 EST 2021)
  This is a Management Node
$ sudo "XCATBYPASS=Y" csh -c 'tabdump site'
---- snip ----

lsslp [TODO] Expand on lsslp and possibly put it in a separate section

The nodes which the user wants to discover.

Use the lsslp command to discover selected networked services information within the same subnet. The request is sent out all available network adapters.

If the user specifies the noderange, lsslp will just return the nodes in the node range.

Which means it will help to add the new nodes to the xCAT database without modifying the existed definitions.

But the nodes’ name specified in noderange should be defined in database in advance.


Running QEMU Guest in the Background

$ /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
-drive format=raw,file=xcatmn.img \
-m 4G \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br0",id=hn0 \
-netdev tap,helper="/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=br1",id=hn1 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn0 \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hn1 \

Note: -nographic cannot be used with -daemonize.

Then, connect (log into) the guest OS:

$ ssh root@

PBS History

From OpenPBS Community Forum - PBS Default number of nodes and number of cpus

Comment by user scott (Scott Suchyta) on Jan 4, 2018:

So a little history for your knowledge.

PBS was originally developed for NASA under a contract project. Altair Engineering acquired the rights to all the PBS technology and intellectual property from Veridian in 2003. Altair Engineering currently owns and maintains the intellectual property associated with PBS, and also employs the original development team from NASA.

The following versions of PBS are currently available:

  • OpenPBS - original open source version released by MRJ in 1998 (not actively developed)
  • TORQUE - a fork of OpenPBS that is maintained by Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc. (formerly Cluster Resources, Inc.)
  • PBS Professional (PBS Pro) — the version of PBS offered by Altair Engineering that is dual licensed under an open source and a commercial license.

PBS Professional has a more modern language specification for job submission, which is called select/place. If using PBS Professional, I would suggest using queuejob hook to evaluate the user’s job submission and modify the select/place requirements to meet your combination check.

How To Change Node Name with/from/in xCAT

Change node name from cn14 to abacus14.

# chdef \
-t node \
-o cn14 \
-n abacus14
# makehosts abacus14
# makedns -n
# makedhcp -n
# makehosts abacus14
# makehosts -n
# makedhcp abacus14
# makedhcp -q all 
abacus14: ip-address =, hardware-address = 00:21:5e:2c:0a:ac
cn13: ip-address =, hardware-address = 00:21:5e:2c:15:a4

Troubleshooting Postscripts and Postbootscripts

The following steps need to be run on the management node, xcatmn.mydomain.com.

Confirm that the object osimage has the attribute synclists. (Options: -t: type, -i: information/inquire).

# lsdef -t osimage -i synclists
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-netboot-compute
Object name: centos7.9-x86_64-statelite-compute

Since it’s included in the osimage object, the syncfiles has been addeed to the postscripts attribute of the compute node that you’re configuring (abacus109). (Options: -t: type, -o: object, -i: information/inquire).

# lsdef -t node -o abacus109 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus109
# lsdef abacus109 | grep profile
# lsdef abacus109 | grep provmethod 
# lsdef abacus109 | grep -w -i os 
# nodels abacus109 nodetype | grep profile
abacus109: nodetype.profile: compute
# tabdump nodetype
---- snip ----

As of now, the postscripts attribute for the node abacus109 has not been updated with the required scripts. From the definition of the object type node, for the object abacus109, display the attribute postscripts. You’ll notice that both setupntp and compute_custom_post have not been appended to the postscripts line:

# lsdef -t node -o abacus109 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus109

Similarly, when you ask for the postbootscripts attribute of the node abacus109, the abacus_custom_postboot script is missing from the postbootscripts line:

# lsdef -t node -o abacus109 -i postbootscripts
Object name: abacus109

NOTE: The following two nodegrpch commands do not need to be run if you’ve already setup postscripts and postbootscripts for the compute group.

Upgrade the group compute with the required postscripts and postbootscripts script files:

# nodegrpch compute postscripts.postscripts=setupntp,compute_custom_post
# nodegrpch compute postscripts.postbootscripts=abacus_custom_postboot

Confirm that it’s been done:

# tabdump postscripts
---- snip ----

Also, you’ll see that the compute node (abacus109) has not been added to the postscripts table:

# tabdump postscripts | grep abacus109

Update the node by adding the required postscripts and postbootscripts script files to it:

# chtab \
node=abacus109 \
postscripts.postscripts=setupntp,compute_custom_post \

To confirm that the needed postscripts are now included with the node:

# lsdef abacus109 | grep postscripts 
# lsdef abacus109 | grep postbootscripts
# tabdump postscripts
---- snip ----
# tabdump postscripts | grep abacus109

Continuing with the setup, confirm that the node’s profile is compute as that’s the name of the whole group you modified earlier above.

# nodels abacus109 nodetype
abacus109: nodetype.arch: x86_64
abacus109: nodetype.node: abacus109
abacus109: nodetype.os: centos7.9
abacus109: nodetype.profile: compute
abacus109: nodetype.provmethod: centos7.9-x86_64-install-compute
abacus109: nodetype.supportedarchs: 
abacus109: nodetype.comments: 
abacus109: nodetype.nodetype: 
abacus109: nodetype.disable: 
# tabdump nodetype
---- snip ----
# lsdef -t node -o abacus109 -i postscripts
Object name: abacus109
# lsdef -t node -o abacus109 -i postbootscripts
Object name: abacus109

Set xcatdebugmode in the site table to 2.

# chdef -t site xcatdebugmode=2

Push syncfiles to the node.

# updatenode abacus109 -P syncfiles
# updatenode abacus109 -F -V

Log in to the compute node (abacus109).

NOTE: For the rcons to work, the node’s BIOS must be configured for SOL (Serial Over LAN), a.k.a. Text Mode Console. 10

# rcons abacus109
CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus109 login: root

[root@abacus109 ~]#

Run the following command:

/xcatpost/startsyncfiles.awk -v RCP=/usr/bin/rsync

Exit the compute node.

# exit
CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

abacus109 login:

Press Ctrl-e c . (three characters: Ctrl-e, ‘c’ and ‘.’) to disconnect by closing the session with the makegocons.

Back in the management node, xcatmn.mydomain.com:

# xdcp abacus109 -F /install/custom/install/centos/compute.centos7.x86_64.synclist

Update the node abacus109 but limit it to only run the scripts.

# updatenode abacus109 -P

Check whether the run of the scripts worked.

Yeah, it worked for synclist; that is compute.centos7.x86_64.synclist:

# xdsh abacus109 ls -lh /opt/torque/ 
abacus109: total 4.0K
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K May 16  2009 bin
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root   92 May 16  2009 include
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  113 May 16  2009 lib
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root   54 May 16  2009 man
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  147 May 16  2009 sbin
abacus109: drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root   19 May 16  2009 var

# xdsh abacus109 du -chs /opt/torque/ 
abacus109: 108M /opt/torque/
abacus109: 108M total
# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/passwd 
---- snip ----
# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/group
---- snip ----

It also worked for the compute_custom_post script run:

# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/fstab
---- snip ----
abacus109: mgmt:/home    /home    nfs  defaults  1 2
abacus109: mgmt:/global  /global  nfs  defaults  1 2
# xdsh abacus109 df -hT 
abacus109: Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
---- snip ---
abacus109: mgmt:/home              nfs4      5.0T  1.8T  3.3T  36% /home
abacus109: mgmt:/global            nfs4      3.9T  637G  3.3T  17% /global
# xdsh abacus109 cat /etc/hosts
---- snip ----
abacus109: mgmt

The setupntp script run worked too:

# xdsh abacus109 systemctl is-active chronyd.service
abacus109: active
# xdsh abacus109 systemctl status chronyd.service
abacus109: * chronyd.service - NTP client/server
abacus109:    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
abacus109:    Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-03-20 18:53:38 PDT; 2min ago
---- snip ----

Yep, the abacus_custom_postboot script run worked as well:

# xdsh abacus109 systemctl is-active pbs_mom.service 
abacus109: active

# xdsh abacus109 systemctl status pbs_mom.service 
abacus109: * pbs_mom.service - PBS Mom service
abacus109: Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pbs_mom.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
abacus109: Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-03-20 18:53:39 PDT; 2min ago
# xdsh abacus109 --verify ls -lh /
abacus109: total 28K
---- snip ----

If the above updatenode abacus109 -P does not work, you can try fixing it by the following sequence of commands:

# updatenode abacus109 -P syncfiles
# updatenode abacus109 -P "confignetwork -s"
# updatenode abacus109 -P
# updatenode abacus109 -P -F -V
# updatenode abacus109 -P syncfiles -P "confignics -s"
# updatenode abacus109 -P syncfiles -F -V
# xdsh abacus109 shutdown -r now

If you want to run all the customization scripts that have been designated for the abacus109 node (in the postscripts and postbootscripts attributes), the -P option (i.e, the command: updatenode abacus109 -P) will not work after install. Instead, after install use the -F option for file synchronization (including synchronization of the postscripts and postbootscripts attributes).

From the man page for the updatenode(1) command:

-F|--sync     Specifies that file synchronization should be performed on the
              nodes.  rsync/scp and ssh must be installed and configured on
              the nodes.
-P|--scripts  Specifies that postscripts and postbootscripts should be run on
              the nodes.  File sync with updatenode -P syncfiles is not
              supported.  The syncfiles postscript can only be run during
              install.  You should use updatenode -F instead.

Useful/Typicall (First) Commands in the Guest VM with xCAT on It

# uptime
# hostname
# ifconfig
# ifconfig -1
# ip address show
# ip -d address show       (ip -d a s)
# ip link show
# ip neigh                 (ip neighbour, ip neighbor) 
# nmcli device status
# nmcli connection show
# netstat -rn
# netstat -r
# ip route
# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# cat /etc/hosts
# ping -c2 freebsd.org
# ping -c2   <-- forwarder (DNS server)
# ping -c2   <-- nameserver
# rpower cn14 state         <-- cn14 is a (compute) node
# rinv -V cn14 firm -all
# tabdump site
# tabdump networks
# tabdump mpa
# tabdump mp
# tabdump passwd
# tabdump postscripts
# tabdump prescripts
# tabdump ppc
# rpower cn13 state         <-- cn13 is a (compute) node

# nodels
# nodestat

# ipmitool-xcat

# rspconfig

# rbootseq

# rpower
# rvitals 
# rinv

# xdsh 
# psh

# tabdump ipmi
# tabdump hosts
# tabdump mac
# tabdump nodehm
# tabdump nodelist
# tabdump noderes
# tabdump nodetype
# tabdump linuximage
# tabdump chain
# tabdump discoverydata
# tabdump osdistro
# tabdump osimage
# tabdump policy

mkdef, chtab, lsdef

# lsslp

List nodes defined in database but can’t be discovered:

# lsslp -I

-I Give the warning message for the nodes in database which have no SLP responses. Note that this flag can only be used after the database migration finished successfully.

# lsslp -z
# lsslp -x
# lsslp -w       <--  Writes output to xCAT database
# rscan cn13
# rscan -z cn13
# rscan -x cn13
# rscan -x cn13  <-- Writes output to xCAT database
# hwclock --show
# lsxcatd -a
# makehosts
# makedns
# makedhcp -n
# dumpxCATdb -a -p /tmp/xCAT_Backup
# restorexCATdb -p /tmp/xCAT_Backup

The Fundamentals of Building an HPC Cluster

Adapted from The Fundamentals of Building an HPC Cluster (retrieved on Mar 20, 2022):

The cluster is on a private Ethernet network. The address space is unroutable so the compute nodes are “hidden” from a routable network, allowing you to separate your cluster logically from a public network.

To log in to the cluster from a public network you need to add a second network interface controller (NIC) to the managment node (master node). This NIC has a public IP address that allows you to log in to the cluster. Only the master node should have the public IP address because there is no reason for compute nodes to have two addresses. (You want them to be private.)

Another key feature of a basic cluster architecture is a shared directory across the nodes. Strictly speaking this isn’t required but without it some MPI (message-passing interface) applications would not run. Therefore, it is a good idea simply to use a shared filesystem in the cluster. NFS is the easiest to use because both server and client are in the kernel, and the distribution should have the tools for configuring and monitoring NFS.

Software Layers
The first layer is the basic software you need and really nothing extra. The second layer adds some administrative tools to make it easier to operate the cluster, as well as tools to reduce problems when running parallel applications. The third layer adds more sophisticated cluster tools and adds the concept of monitoring, so you can understand what’s happening.

Layer 1: Software Configuration
The first layer of software only contains the minimum software to run parallel applications. Obviously, the first thing you need is an OS. Typical installation options are usually good enough. They install most everything you need.

The next thing you need is a set of MPI libraries such as Open MPI or MPICH. These are the libraries you will use for creating parallel applications and running them on your cluster. You can find details on how to build and install them on their respective websites. Note: This cluster configuration uses PBS (Portable Batch System) scheduling software in its TORQUE (Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager) variant, without interfacing with Message Passing MPI (Message Passing Interface) libraries – As per TORQUE Administrator Guide, section 7.0 Interfacing with Message Passing and 7.1 MPI (Message Passing Interface) Support “A message passing library is used by parallel jobs to augment (emphasis mine) communication between the tasks distributed across the cluster. TORQUE can run with any message passing library and provides limited integration with some MPI libraries.”

The next, and actually last, piece of software you need is SSH. More specifically, you need to be able to SSH to and from each node without a password, allowing you to run the MPI applications easily. Make sure, however, that you set up SSH after you have NFS working across the cluster and each node has mounted the exported directory.

Layer 2: Architecture and Tools
The next layer of software adds tools to help reduce cluster problems and make it easier to administer. Using the basic software mentioned in the previous section, you can run parallel applications, but you might run into difficulties as you scale your system, including:

Running commands on each node (parallel shell)
Configuring identical nodes (package skew)
Keeping the same time on each node (NTP)
Running more than one job (job scheduler/resource manager)

The last issue to address is the job scheduler (also called a resource manager). This is a key element of HPC and can be used even for small clusters. Roughly speaking, a job scheduler will run jobs (applications) on your behalf when the resources are available on the cluster so you don’t have to sit around and wait for the cluster to be free before you run applications. Rather, you can write a few lines of script and submit it to the job scheduler. When the resources are available, it will run your job on your behalf.

In the script, you specify the resources you need, such as the number of nodes or number of cores, and you give the job scheduler the command that runs your application, such as: mpirun -np 4 <executable> REPLACE w/TORQUE

Among the resource managers available, many are open source. Examples of resource managers include:

With these issues addressed, you now have a pretty reasonable cluster with some administrative tools. Although it’s not perfect, it’s most definitely workable.

Layer 3: Deep Administration
The third level of tools gets you deeper into HPC administration and begins to gather more information about the cluster so you can find problems before they happen. The tools I will discuss briefly are:

  • Cluster management tools
  • Monitoring tools (how are the nodes doing)
  • Environment Modules
  • Multiple networks

A cluster management tool is really a toolkit to automate the configuration, launching, and management of compute nodes from the master node. In some cases, the toolkit will even install the master node for you. A number of open source cluster management tools are available, including:

The tools vary in their approach but they typically allow you to create compute nodes that are part of the cluster. This can be done via images, in which a complete image is pushed to the compute node, or via packages, in which specific packages are installed on the compute nodes.

Many of the cluster management tools also include tools for monitoring the cluster. Several monitoring tools are appropriate for HPC clusters but a universal tool is Ganglia. Some of the cluster tools come pre-configured with Ganglia, and some don’t, requiring an installation. By default Ganglia comes with some pre-defined metrics but the tool is very flexible and allows you to write simple code to attain specific metrics from your nodes.

[TODO] Review all footnotes, including the order and whether some footnotes are missing


[1] More specifically, when you press Ctrl D, the at(1) displays <EOT>, which stands for End Of Transmission:

$ man ascii
       The following table contains the 128 ASCII characters.

       C program '\X' escapes are noted.

       Oct   Dec   Hex   Char                        Oct   Dec   Hex   Char
       000   0     00    NUL '\0' (null character)   100   64    40    @
       001   1     01    SOH (start of heading)      101   65    41    A
       002   2     02    STX (start of text)         102   66    42    B
       003   3     03    ETX (end of text)           103   67    43    C
       004   4     04    EOT (end of transmission)   104   68    44    D

[2] The loopback interface is a virtual interface that is always up and available after it has been configured.

Per Solaris(TM) Operating Environment Boot Camp by David Rhodes, Dominic Butler - Pearson Publishing - September 2002:

All systems have a “loopback” interface, regardless of whether they are connected to the network or not. This is not a true network interface, but acts as one to allow some network-aware programs (such as RPC) to be able to connect to both the remote and local host in the same way.

You don’t need to be concerned with configuring it, as this is performed by the operating system, but we do need to make certain that the local host address remains in the host file.

[3] Per Networking Bible by Barrie Sosinsky - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - September 2009:

One important example of a logical network interface (also called a virtual interface) is the loopback adapter. The loopback adapter is a software routine that emulates an internal NIC card that can accept system requests and reply to those requests. The loopback adapter is used to test whether network functions are operating correctly.

For IP version 4, the loopback adapter is found at

[4] SOL (Serial over LAN)
BladeCenter SOL (Serial over LAN) Setup Guide - IBM Corporation, Twelfth Edition (November 2009) (Retrieved on Mar 22, 2022):

Chapter 1. Introduction

Serial over LAN (SOL) provides a means to manage servers remotely by using a command-line interface (CLI) over a Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) connection. SOL is required to manage servers that do not have keyboard/video/mouse (KVM) support […]


SOL (Serial Over LAN) provides console redirection for both BIOS and the blade server operating system. The SOL feature redirects server serial-connection data over a LAN without the need for special cabling. The SOL connection enables blade servers to be managed from any remote location with network access.

[5] IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU)
IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022)


IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) Version 3.60 User’s Guide (Retrieved on Mar 20, 2022)

You can use the IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) to modify firmware settings from the command line on multiple operating-system platforms. You can perform the following tasks by using the utility:

  • Modify selected basic input/output system (BIOS) CMOS settings without the need to restart the system to access F1 settings.
  • Modify selected BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) setup settings.
  • Modify selected settings in Integrated Management Module (IMM)-based servers for the IMM firmware and IBM System x Server Firmware. The IMM replaces the Remote Supervisor Adapter and Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) functions on IMM-based servers. IBM System x Server Firmware is the IBM implementation of Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). The UEFI replaces the basic input/output system (BIOS) and defines a standard interface between the operating system, platform firmware, and external devices.

[6] Configure Boot Order in BIOS via the ASU Tool

# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 save BIOS.TXT --group all
# wc -l BIOS.TXT
# grep -i boot BIOS.TXT
CMOS_AlternateBootDevice4=Hard Disk 0
CMOS_AlternateBootDevice3=CD ROM
CMOS_AlternateBootDevice2=Diskette Drive 0
CMOS_PCIBootPriority=Planar SAS
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 showvalues --setlist \
BMC_PrimaryBootDevice1 \
BMC_PrimaryBootDevice2 \
BMC_PrimaryBootDevice3 \


BMC_PrimaryBootDevice1=Floppy Drive=iSCSI=iSCSI Critical=Network=HDD0=HDD1=HDD2=HDD3=CD-ROM
BMC_PrimaryBootDevice2=Floppy Drive=iSCSI=iSCSI Critical=Network=HDD0=HDD1=HDD2=HDD3=CD-ROM
BMC_PrimaryBootDevice3=Floppy Drive=iSCSI=iSCSI Critical=Network=HDD0=HDD1=HDD2=HDD3=CD-ROM
BMC_PrimaryBootDevice4=Floppy Drive=iSCSI=iSCSI Critical=Network=HDD0=HDD1=HDD2=HDD3=CD-ROM
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set BMC_PrimaryBootDevice1 Network
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set BMC_PrimaryBootDevice2 CD-ROM
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set BMC_PrimaryBootDevice3 HDD0 
# /opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu/asu64 save BIOS_NEW.TXT --group all 
# wc -l BIOS_NEW.TXT
# grep -i boot BIOS_NEW.TXT
CMOS_AlternateBootDevice4=Hard Disk 0
CMOS_AlternateBootDevice3=CD ROM
CMOS_AlternateBootDevice2=Diskette Drive 0
CMOS_PCIBootPriority=Planar SAS

[7] From the manual page for hosts(5) on RHEL 5.x:

hosts - The static table lookup for host names
This file is a simple text file that associates IP addresses with hostnames, one line per IP address. For each host a single line should be present with the following information: IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]

Fields of the entry are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters. Text from a “#” character until the end of the line is a comment, and is ignored. Host names may contain only alphanumeric characters, minus signs (“-“), and periods (“.”). They must begin with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. Optional aliases provide for name changes, alternate spellings, shorter hostnames, or generic hostnames (for example, localhost).

[8] From the manual page for pbsnodes(8):


The pbsnodes command is used to mark nodes down, free or offline. 

It can also be used to list nodes and their state.

Node information is obtained by sending a request to the PBS job server.
Sets of nodes can be operated on at once by specifying a node property 
_prefixed_ by a _colon_.

Nodes do not exist in a single state, but actually have a set of states.

For example, a node can be simultaneously "busy" and "offline".

The "free" state is the absence of all other states and 
so is never combined with other states.

[9] From the manual page for node(7):

The current status of this node.  This attribute will be set by
xCAT software.  Valid values: defined, booting, netbooting,
booted, discovering, configuring, installing, alive, standingby,
powering-off, unreachable. If blank, defined is assumed.

The possible status change sequences are:

For installation:

For diskless deployment:

For booting:

For powering off: [alive]->powering-off->[unreachable],

For monitoring: alive->unreachable. 

Discovering and configuring are for x Series discovery process.
Alive and unreachable are set only when there is a monitoring
plug-in start monitor the node status for xCAT.

Note that the status values will not reflect the real node
status if you change the state of the node from outside
of xCAT (i.e. power off the node using HMC GUI).

However, when I used -m nodelist.status==booting or -m nodelist.status==installing with rpower boot, the node would sometimes got stuck in powered off state, and the rcons <nodename> would display:


As the output of the xcatprobe osdeploy -n <nodename> command in the first terminal; in this case, xcatprobe osdeploy -n abacus109 (after rpower abacus109 boot in the second terminal) indicated

... Node status is changed to powering-on

search for powering-on returned:

# grep -r -n 'powering-on' /opt/xcat/
/opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT/GlobalDef.pm:52:$::STATUS_POWERING_ON  = "powering-on";
/opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/openbmc.pm:49:$::POWER_STATE_POWERING_ON  = "powering-on";
/opt/xcat/probe/lib/perl/xCAT/GlobalDef.pm:52:$::STATUS_POWERING_ON  = "powering-on";
/opt/xcat/probe/subcmds/osdeploy:1209:                } elsif ($status eq "powering-on") {

For example, looking into GlobalDef.pm revealed even more valid values for status (nodelist.status). One of them is powering-on:

# sed -n 43,63p /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT/GlobalDef.pm
# valid values for nodelist.status columns or other status
$::STATUS_ACTIVE       = "alive";
$::STATUS_INACTIVE     = "unreachable";
$::STATUS_INSTALLING   = "installing";
$::STATUS_INSTALLED    = "installed";
$::STATUS_BOOTING      = "booting";
$::STATUS_POSTBOOTING  = "postbooting";
$::STATUS_NETBOOTING   = "netbooting";
$::STATUS_BOOTED       = "booted";
$::STATUS_POWERING_ON  = "powering-on";
$::STATUS_POWERING_OFF = "powering-off";
$::STATUS_DISCOVERING  = "discovering";
$::STATUS_DISCOVERED   = "discovered";
$::STATUS_CONFIGURING  = "configuring";
$::STATUS_CONFIGURED   = "configured";
$::STATUS_STANDING_BY  = "standingby";
$::STATUS_SHELL        = "shell";
$::STATUS_DEFINED      = "defined";
$::STATUS_UNKNOWN      = "unknown";
$::STATUS_FAILED       = "failed";
$::STATUS_BMCREADY     = "bmcready";

[10] In this example, the blade server is IBM HS21, whose BIOS needs to be setup with the following in order for SOL (Serial Over LAN) to work:

  • Serial Port A: Auto-configure
  • Serial Port B: Auto-configure
  • Remote Console Active: Enabled
  • Remote Console COM Port: COM 2
  • Remote Console Active After Boot: Enabled
  • Remote Console Flow Control: Hardware

[11] The nomodeset fix for the no | invalid EDID messages in the console:

For example, if the EDID issue is happening on a node named abacus211, to fix it run the the following commands on the xCAT MN (Management Node), which in the examples on this page has an IP address (hostname xcatmn.mydomain.com). (Note: The OS on the compute node abacus214 is CentOS 7 so the grub version on it is grub2.)

# scp root@abacus211:/etc/default/grub /tmp/grubabacus211.ORIG
# cp -i /tmp/grubabacus211.ORIG /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW
# grep -n CMDLINE /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW
7:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=xcatvg/root console=ttyS1,19200"
# grep -n 'ttyS1,19200' /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW
7:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=xcatvg/root console=ttyS1,19200"
# sed -n '/ttyS1,19200/p' /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=xcatvg/root console=ttyS1,19200"
# sed -n '/ttyS1,19200/=' /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW
# sed -i.bkp 's/ttyS1,19200/ttyS1,19200 nomodeset/' /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW
# diff \
--unified=0 \
/tmp/grubabacus211.NEW.bkp \
--- /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW.bkp 2022-03-20 20:59:04.966346023 -0700
+++ /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW     2022-03-20 21:00:25.710970506 -0700
@@ -7 +7 @@
-GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=xcatvg/root console=ttyS1,19200"
+GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=xcatvg/root console=ttyS1,19200 nomodeset"
# xdsh abacus211 cp /etc/default/grub /tmp/grub.ORIG
# scp /tmp/grubabacus211.NEW root@abacus211:/etc/default/grub
# xdsh abacus211 cat /etc/default/grub
abacus211: GRUB_TIMEOUT=5
abacus211: GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
abacus211: GRUB_DEFAULT=saved
abacus211: GRUB_DISABLE_SUBMENU=true
abacus211: GRUB_TERMINAL="serial console"
abacus211: GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --unit=1 --speed=19200"
abacus211: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rd.lvm.lv=xcatvg/root console=ttyS1,19200 nomodeset"
abacus211: GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true"
# xdsh abacus211 grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
# xdsh abacus211 reboot
# rcons abacus211

[TODO] Do I need to mention this method (order)?:

Re: [xcat-user] Problem with rsetboot: unable to identify plugin:

You should do the OS deployment by following three steps:
1. nodeset <node> osimage=<image name>
2. rbootseq <node> net,hd
3. rpower <node> boot

[TODO] Probably add something about Gaussian (and GaussView).

[TODO] Should I go into IPMI via ASU (NOT tested yet)?:

Communicating via Command Mode with IBM HS22 IMM via AMM


[TODO] Should I sanitize this section, e.g.: MAC addresses?

Optional: Pre-Review:

# tabdump site
# lsdef -t site -l
# lsdef -t group -l
# lsdef -t osimage -l
# lsdef -t node -l
# rpower all stat
# nodestat all
# nodels all groups

# rinv all all
# rvitals all all

# monls -a
# lsvm all
# nodels
[...]               <-- The rest of the nodes are MM nodes (not CNs)
# nodestat all
[...]               <-- The rest of the nodes are MM nodes (not CNs)
abacus102: noping
abacus103: pbs,sshd
abacus105: noping
xbcmm1n: sshd

[TODO] Add ping when it works.

# ping -c2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, +2 errors, 100% packet loss, time 999ms
pipe 2

[TODO] TEST JOBS - Clean and Complete

Run two test jobs, one from the CLI and the other one from WebMO.


# cat /home/webmo/qsub_test_abacus104
#PBS -l nodes=1:abacus104
sleep 120
# /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/qsub /home/webmo/qsub_test_abacus104

If you receive a “Not enough nodes available”, as shown here:

# /home/webmo/bin/qsort
JobID  Jobname              User  Status  Ncpus  C_Time  CPU%  hosts
290585 WebMO_285222         webmo    R      1                  abacus-203
290591 qsub_test_abacus104  root     Q                         Not enough
                                                               nodes available

check the node’s state by using the pbsnodes(8B) command:

# /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/pbsnodes -l all abacus104
abacus104            offline

If the node is in OFFLINE state, the fix is to clear OFFLINE from the node:

# /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/pbsnodes -c abacus104

If the node is in DOWN state, try fixing it by restarting pbs_mom service on the node:

# xdsh abacus104 systemctl restart pbs_mom.service

NOTE: If you are still not getting the free status for the compute node, most likely you need to retart the pbs_server service on the head node; that is, on the head node: systemctl restart pbs_server.service.

Note: If no state is specified with the -l option in the pbsnodes command, it only lists nodes in the DOWN, OFFLINE, or UNKNOWN states. Specifying a state string acts as an output filter. Valid state strings are “active”, “all”, “busy”, “down”, “free”, “offline”, “unknown”, and “up”.

Most likely you’ll need to delete the job

# qdel 290591 

and re-submit it:

# /global/software/torque/x86_64/bin/qsub /home/webmo/qsub_test_abacus104

[TODO]: Add the useful (currently, as of Jul 4, 2022, to be run from abacus.mydomain.com):

# /opt/torque/sbin/momctl -f /etc/hosts -d 3

# /opt/torque/sbin/momctl -h abacus104 -d 3

Back on the MN (management node), xcatmn.mydomain.com:

# xdsh abacus104 find /opt/torque/ -name '*290592*'
abacus104: /opt/torque/var/spool/aux/290592.mgmt
abacus104: /opt/torque/var/spool/mom_priv/jobs/290592.mgmt.SC
abacus104: /opt/torque/var/spool/mom_priv/jobs/290592.mgmt.TK
abacus104: /opt/torque/var/spool/mom_priv/jobs/290592.mgmt.JB
abacus104: /opt/torque/var/spool/spool/290592.mgmt.OU
abacus104: /opt/torque/var/spool/spool/290592.mgmt.ER
# xdsh abacus104 cat /opt/torque/var/spool/aux/290592.mgmt
abacus104: abacus104
# xdsh abacus104 cat /opt/torque/var/spool/mom_priv/jobs/290592.mgmt.SC
abacus104: #
abacus104: #
abacus104: #PBS -l nodes=1:abacus104
abacus104: #
abacus104: sleep 120
abacus104: hostname
abacus104: date

Go back to the PBS server machine, abacus.mydomain.com.

# /home/webmo/bin/qsort
JobID  Jobname              User  Status  Ncpus  C_Time  CPU%  hosts
290585 WebMO_285222         webmo    R      1                  abacus-203
290592 qsub_test_abacus104  root     R      1    00:00    0%   abacus-104

After 120 seconds:

# /home/webmo/bin/qsort
JobID  Jobname              User  Status  Ncpus  C_Time  CPU%  hosts
290585 WebMO_285222         webmo    R      1                  abacus-203


Log into WebMO (via Canvas: All Courses > CHEM WEBMO > Student View > Abacus).

In WebMO Job Manager: New Job > Create New Job

Create a simple job; for example, with seven connected C atoms.

Specify a job execution node abacus104: select Advanced tab:
Nodes : PPN : Node Type 1: 1: abacus104

Submit the job.

Go back to the PBS server machine, abacus.mydomain.com.

# /home/webmo/bin/qsort
JobID  Jobname              User  Status  Ncpus  C_Time  CPU%  hosts
290585 WebMO_285222         webmo    R      1                  abacus-203
290593 WebMO_285228         webmo    R      1    00:00    0%   abacus-104

On this cluster, this job completes in 5.3 seconds.

After six seconds:

# /home/webmo/bin/qsort
JobID  Jobname              User  Status  Ncpus  C_Time  CPU%  hosts
290585 WebMO_285222         webmo    R      1                  abacus-203


# man xcatprobe 
No manual entry for xcatprobe

# find /opt/xcat/ -iname '*xcatprobe*'
# xcatprobe -h
xcatprobe -h
xcatprobe -l
xcatprobe [-V] <subcommand>  <attrbute_to_subcommand>

    -h : get usage information of xcatprobe
    -l : list all valid sub commands
    -V : print verbose information of xcatprobe
    -w : show each line completely. By default long lines are truncated.
# xcatprobe -l
Supported sub commands are:
detect_dhcpd     detect_dhcpd can be used to detect the dhcp server in a network
                 for a specific mac address. Before using this command, install
                 'tcpdump' command. The operating system supported are RedHat,
                 SLES and Ubuntu.
osdeploy         Probe operating system provision process. Supports two modes -
                 'Realtime monitor' and 'Replay history'.
nodecheck        Use this command to check node defintions in xCAT DB.
xcatmn           After xcat installation, use this command to check if xcat has
                 been installed correctly and is ready for use. Before using
                 this command, install 'tftp', 'nslookup' and 'wget' commands.
                 Supported platforms are RedHat, SLES and Ubuntu.
osimagecheck     Use this command to check osimage defintions in xCAT DB.
discovery        Probe for discovery process, including pre-check for required
                 configuration and realtime monitor of discovery process.
image            Use this command to check if specified diskless nodes have the
                 same images installed or if nodes are installed with the same
                 image as defined on the management node.
clusterstatus    Use this command to get node summary in the cluster.
switch_macmap    To retrieve MAC address mapping for the specified switch, or
                 all the switches defined in 'switches' table in xCAT db.
                 Currently, this command does not support hierarchy.
code_template    This isn't a probe tool, this is just a template for sub
                 command coding. Use it to develop sub command which need to
                 cover hierarchical cluster
# command -v tcpdump; type -a tcpdump; whereis tcpdump; which tcpdump
tcpdump is /usr/sbin/tcpdump
tcpdump: /usr/sbin/tcpdump /usr/share/man/man8/tcpdump.8.gz
# command -v tftp; type -a tftp; whereis tftp; which tftp 
tftp is /usr/bin/tftp
tftp: /usr/bin/tftp /usr/share/man/man1/tftp.1.gz
# command -v nslookup; type -a nslookup; whereis nslookup; which nslookup
nslookup is /usr/bin/nslookup
nslookup: /usr/bin/nslookup /usr/share/man/man1/nslookup.1.gz
# command -v wget; type -a wget; whereis wget; which wget 
wget is /usr/bin/wget
wget: /usr/bin/wget /usr/share/man/man1/wget.1.gz
# xcatprobe detect_dhcpd -h

# xcatprobe osdeploy -h

# xcatprobe nodecheck -h

# xcatprobe xcatmn -h

# xcatprobe osimagecheck -h

# xcatprobe discovery -h

# xcatprobe image -h

# xcatprobe clusterstatus -h

# xcatprobe switch_macmap -h

# xcatprobe code_template -h


(Most of references retrieved on Mar 20, 2022.)